Recent content by Samantha Smith

  1. S

    Buying clothing shops that sell yoga/religious garments

    Dear Christian Forum reader, I am posting this in the ethics/morals section because I had a hard time navigating the site and figuring out where to put a question like this. If the post needs any relocating you are welcome to notify me or have a moderator move it to the proper place. I found...
  2. S

    Are there any verses that talk about anything similar to the First Sale Doctrine?

    I was curious if the Bible says anything about a law similar to the First Sale Doctrine? I ask because I just purchased a used book that was only 5 dollars, and the actual book itself is 50 dollars total. I know there are passages about trading and making a fair deal without greed. But want...
  3. S

    Feeling Uneasy with my school's curriculum.

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