Recent content by roylee1970

  1. roylee1970

    For people that use drugs or drink to cope with anxiety

    Thanks found someone to discuss it with on other site.
  2. roylee1970

    For people that use drugs or drink to cope with anxiety

    Thanks found someone to discuss it with on other site.
  3. roylee1970


    I'm just the opposite. Many people in life have told me I'm too trusting and that's why people always screw me over. It's okay I don't really mind I've always believe that you give people the benefit of the doubt until they give you a reason to do otherwise. My advice would be to quit looking...
  4. roylee1970

    How to deal with loneliness

    Why are you lonely? Do you suffer from anxiety or is there some other reason for it? I don't know that I have anything that could help but I do know more information would be helpful. You have to realize the majority of people in this world are extroverts and they are going to give you...
  5. roylee1970

    Difficulties Approaching People

    The positive mind set happening over time is great but we all want to change today don’t we?
  6. roylee1970

    Difficulties Approaching People

    I can relate very well with you on this subject. After a lifetime of being called stuck up or told I always was ignoring people I finally had to force myself to be more aggressive. If I walked into a grocery store and saw someone I knew but they were in a conversation I would continue on because...
  7. roylee1970

    What do you think?

    What are you afraid of? There's nothing to be afraid of if you have taken Jesus into your heart and are honestly trying to be a better person. It sounds like you have done that and are just looking at things from the wrong view. Just keep doing what you are doing and he will guide you there's...
  8. roylee1970

    Feeling sexually harassed at work

    To begin with you are off on a totally different subject. She says and I cut and paste it: "And another proof of this situation occured some days ago when they were joking around about something at lunch and one of them said some guy (not sure who) was a "p****). Then one of them kind of looked...
  9. roylee1970

    Feeling sexually harassed at work

    Is it not on her if she chooses to be offended because some guy glances at something God made him to be attracted to? On the other hand I would agree with her 100% if she said they were staring or comments. They are simply doing what every man and women does to one sex or the other. It's human...
  10. roylee1970

    Feeling sexually harassed at work

    Why would I say that? I could be wrong but it seems to me by your comments you expect men to be looking at you as a piece of meat therefore that is what you see. I suspect if you spent an hour with a gay man not knowing he was gay you would leave the meeting thinking he was checking you out. You...
  11. roylee1970

    Feeling sexually harassed at work

    What is a macho way of joking about things? I’m not seeing where there is a problem here other than you seem to think everything is about you. Men look at women and women look at men it’s natural. Unless they are ogling you then they are out of line but your comment does not seem to insinuate...
  12. roylee1970

    So many blessing but want to leave them all behind

    I would think at least finishing up your 4 year degree so you have a chance to become an officer would be the wisest decision. Finishing the four year degree so you have better career options in the military would be for you. It could be a better compromise with your father also and give you a...
  13. roylee1970

    Why are Christians treating me this way?

    Wise advice. It was once given to me when the hurt I felt from others not being as helpful to me as I was to them overtook my life. I took the advice to heart and have been happier and my life so much better as a result.
  14. roylee1970

    Why exactly is profanity sinful?

    I can see where it could be interpreted that way. I also question it. If I’m using those words in this example in place of darn or whatever there would be nothing unwholesome about it. Men have chosen to make the word offensive or unwholesome and in some cases it is. If you choose to say...
  15. roylee1970

    Why exactly is profanity sinful?

    So if I'm doing something and I mess up then say the s or f word where exactly does it go against any of these examples of scripture you have given?