Recent content by Robert1849

  1. Robert1849

    Struggles and reservations about commiting to any church group

    The painful reality is there is very little of the modern church that the Apostles of old would recognize. It seems that hitting the reset button is the only real option right now. Our fellowship has done that this last spring, and now the whole room is happy. I have generally banned anyone from...
  2. Robert1849

    Hard to find a new church

    Quote ~"My advice is to show up with lots of money to contribute to a project" Hmm...
  3. Robert1849

    Decisions between churches

    Yeh, what he said.
  4. Robert1849

    Hard to find a new church

    When you "up-root" a plant you put it into shock (pain) It then takes around three seasons for a tree to be re-established. As a person who has moved many times, you must allow time for your roots to regrow. They are tender, sore, and bruised, asked the Lord for the RIGHT soil for you to grow in.
  5. Robert1849

    Severe anxiety during church and church events has prohibited me from making connections

    I know a gal who suffered from this for years. It kept her out of many social engagements including jobs. She does not have this issue any more after taking Ashwagandha pills. Research it, there are many places that sell it.
  6. Robert1849

    Struggles and reservations about commiting to any church group

    If you're looking or considering a house church. You can go to House Church Network This is where we posted ours. And our is the "no name" group in Idaho. Concerning the issue of money, yes a couple of people decided to bless us occasionally. But generally, we tell people to seek the Lord or...
  7. Robert1849

    Struggles and reservations about commiting to any church group

    Well, I am not going to pretend to have an answer to the questions being raised here. I just felt like I should share my story. I became a Christian in 1984 out of high school. Years passed in the small church I was in. Looking back, it was most likely a mixture of God's favor and stupid human...
  8. Robert1849

    Dream interpretation

    Sometimes in the process of keeping things short, we overlook because we see some things of no value. Take your time and write it all out when you have time alone and it's just you and the Lord. If he's got something for you, it will show up.
  9. Robert1849

    Will Jesus have time for everyone in heaven?

    The short answer is yes. As God, he holds all things in his hand, counts each star, and has a name for them. He knows when each star is born and dies. He is aware of every grain of sand and hair on your head. Something as simple as keeping track and talking with a bunch of humans in this corner...
  10. Robert1849

    The Feast Days

    To participate or not, there is no law. However, if a person wants to participate no one should stand in the way. Paul did a similar argument on the subject of eating meat. However having said that, there is a clear direction after the return of Christ there will be a requirement for all the...
  11. Robert1849

    Small groups

    So just for the fun of it what terminology does your group use to describe itself?
  12. Robert1849

    Moses' body and Samuel rising up at the whim of the Witch of Endor?

    So if I read this right, you asking, "could a demonic spirit show up and pretend to be someone else?" My general answer is yes. I am aware of a few times when people have been deceived by so-called "family members" who return from time to time to give them guidance. In one case a woman I know of...
  13. Robert1849

    Discussion Dreams from GOD

    I've been in this for over 30 years and I safely say that no two people are the same regarding dreams and their interpretation of them. This is because our faith is one of relationship with Jesus and he walks with us according to his desires. Some just know what the dream means, others need to...
  14. Robert1849

    You must read and agree before posting in this forum

    Well, I chose #5. But I guess I should expand on that. I'm a Gentile, been a Christian for over 30 years mostly in Charismatic Christianity. 15 years ago we planted a small church and at that time the Lord told me he wanted us to "hold" to Passover. This started many conversations, and many...
  15. Robert1849

    Unfortunately, we can only give what we have. Based on what you said about your pastor, I...

    Unfortunately, we can only give what we have. Based on what you said about your pastor, I suspect he is secretly burnt out and just going through the motions. And if he has nothing to give, that only trickles downstream to the leaders who run the small groups. Sad, very sad. Ben there, done...