Recent content by Robban

  1. Robban

    Is God Worthy...?

    God is not the problem He can forgive for His names sake Problemet is often us. Midrash, For sins against G-d the day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) brings forgiveness. For sins against one s neighbor, the Day of Atonement brings no forgiveness until one has become reconciled with one s fellow...
  2. Robban

    Blood on a steak when it was not supposed to be there… I wiped it away, so was it OK and I consumed none of the blood?

    You say you are confused, how do you think the OP is feeling? Would it not be more fitting to explain to him your take on "blood", how you arrived at such a conclusion? But of course, it is your "little secret" as you say, besides the OP there are surely lurkers too. I say no more.
  3. Robban

    Blood on a steak when it was not supposed to be there… I wiped it away, so was it OK and I consumed none of the blood?

    What makes you feel so special that all things must revolve around you?
  4. Robban

    Blood on a steak when it was not supposed to be there… I wiped it away, so was it OK and I consumed none of the blood?

    What I have written in post #42, how would you have written it so as not to give the impression of a pointing finger?
  5. Robban

    Blood on a steak when it was not supposed to be there… I wiped it away, so was it OK and I consumed none of the blood?

    If you say you love God, how can you not love your neighbour who is also made in His image? "In His image"=Free will, the ability to reason and a sense of morality.
  6. Robban

    Here it comes again

    From the mystical to the practical, so to say. Sea crreatures, only those with both fins and scales. Fins propell a fish forward they are the driving power, so too, ambition is what drives one forward. S cales are for protection so too is integrity, both conbined is good, One without the...
  7. Robban

    Latest controversial subject

    How did the bear die? Any animal that has selfdied or for example been hit by a truck and left dead on the road. is unfit for human consumpton, it has died with it s blood still in it. It can be fed to dogs. Trying to live on the cheap is not always a good idea.
  8. Robban

    Here it comes again

    At Sinai all spoke as in one voice......."We will do and we will hear". And that is what it is about do, and when done you will understand. Torah is spiritual ,angels, other worlds/reaims. 613 mitzvot/connections. 248 positive related to number of limbs. 365 negative related to...
  9. Robban

    Here it comes again

    An elderly Rabbi once went into a non-kosher resturant, also there was a group from the community and feeling a little out of place they were nonetheless curious . So came the waiter with a big dish with a lid, he lifted the lid and under it was a pigs head with an äpple in its mouth. The...
  10. Robban

    Here it comes again

    Often, too often all focus is on the body. The soul is dependent on nourishment from above, Psalms tell how the soul can yearn, long for contact and uplifting.
  11. Robban

    What are you listening to?

  12. Robban

    What are you listening to?

  13. Robban

    IQ among Americans is falling

    Your Torah makes the simpelton wise. Psalms 119:130, "Your opening words illuminate, enlightening the simple." Consider, from Tanya 1796 "What profit has a man of all toil that he labors under the sun?" Only man`s labor "under the sun" i,e, toil in mundane matters does not realize...