Recent content by Rex

  1. Rex

    Hello from Colorado

    Glad to have ya!
  2. Rex

    Hi, I am New

    Hey! Welcome!
  3. Rex

    How's your 30 something going?

    I'm 35 and it has its ups and downs at times. Just hold ya head high and plug along.
  4. Rex

    Hello Friends

    Welcome to CF!
  5. Rex

    Loss of a friend

    Please send prayers to the Daniel family as they have lost a child. Thanks so much everyone!
  6. Rex

    Yep, I admit I'm a Loser

    No-one here is a loser!
  7. Rex

    Taking care of yourself in your 30's

    I'm 35 and have to eat decent and exercise fairly regularly. Running helps a lot.
  8. Rex


    Glad to have yah!
  9. Rex

    I'm finally back after years

    Glad you are back!
  10. Rex

    PrayPal App

    Glad you like!
  11. Rex

    Question about the versions

    If you can find more with an API that are free we can add.
  12. Rex

    Football Season!

    No way!
  13. Rex

    Football Season!

    I'm a CFB fan. LSU is my team.
  14. Rex

    Christian Preppers - a new forum!

    This is a great new forum!
  15. Rex

    Assumptions and prejudices

    I didn't @Goodbook