Recent content by RenewMyMind

  1. R

    Top Ten Hymns

    I was not raised on hymns so I really don't know any. Just Amazing Grace. I'd like for my children to learn some hymns though. What are ten hymns that you think are the most popular/most important to know?
  2. R

    Autism and martial arts?

    Thanks for all the suggestions!
  3. R

    How do you teach your children to say the blessing?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I guess I'll just try to remind them to focus on the meal and people present. Sometimes I ask them to say the blessing and they forget to address the food totally! I do love that they speak from their heart though, and that they are so comfortable with speaking to...
  4. R

    Autism and martial arts?

    Thanks Sabertooth! That was very helpful.
  5. R

    Autism and martial arts?

    What do you think about a 5 year old boy with autism doing martial arts? I'm wondering if it would be a good outlet for built-up energy or if it would encourage punching and kicking. Of course for a typical child I would say it's a great activity, but not so sure about a child with autism. Any...
  6. R

    Day Care Advice for 3 yeas old kid

    If there's a relative you trust who can watch your son I'd recommend that first. As a former preschool teacher I vowed never to send my kids to daycare. I saw too many sweet kids develop bad attitudes and bad social skills after just a short while in preschool. My kids have not been to daycare...
  7. R

    I already have 2 bio children. Should I adopt?

    I have two biological children and always wanted to have about 3 or 4 children. But unfortunately I have a heart condition that could put my life in danger if I were to be pregnant again. I have always thought about adoption (I'm a 3rd generation adoptee) and I would love to do domestic infant...
  8. R

    How do you teach your children to say the blessing?

    I've always just told my kids to speak from their heart when talking to God but they are young (3 and 5) and they always just say "Thank you God for our food, Amen." Or sometimes they will just start telling God about their day and keep going forever and I don't want to interrupt them talking to...
  9. R

    Advice for a friend

    Dayhiker is right. The Bible does not say that we need to attend a particular type of gathering. As long as we have a tight-knit community of Christian friends I believe that is what is important. My family has not gone to church as usual because we are fed in many other ways, and perhaps better...