Recent content by ReesePiece23

  1. ReesePiece23

    Question for guys

    I haven't really noticed it to tell you the truth. In fact, even on these very forums there has been an uncountable amount of very beautiful women (and I mean beauty in all of its aspects) that couldn't find a man to even date, let alone get into a relationship with. One young lady in...
  2. ReesePiece23

    What's on your mind?

    I like getting older, I have to say. I've always been fairly confident, but throughout my twenties, anxiety, uncertainty and impatience stifled everything. Nowadays - now in my 30s, the confidence sits on a foundation of calmness. I'm so patient, calm and measured in everything, that life seems...
  3. ReesePiece23

    "Singleness is a gift" is actually a lie?

    I used to get a bit over excited on here about being "fiercely independent" because I was finding myself in the midst of quite an exciting life - a life that I couldn't have if I were in a relationship. I'm still living that life - it's evolved massively, but it's still just as exciting; in...
  4. ReesePiece23

    What's on your mind?

    If I knew at eighteen what I know NOW (the faith, wisdom etc) then I'd have "stuck to the plan" - as I firmly believe, I'm following a plan now. One that was always set for me from before birth. My "wild" years were between 2008 and 2012 - long before I'd found a faith. And to tell you the...
  5. ReesePiece23

    What's on your mind?

    Being a virgin doesn't carry the stigma that it used to. In the late 90s early 00s you were tarred and feathered for it (hence a certain pointless movie about a 40 year old). Nowadays, I feel most people would just shrug and say "fair enough" - especially in this day and age where personal...
  6. ReesePiece23

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    It's actually quite tough for women as well. I found that through meeting other women, that our "match counts" were actually quite similar, but the conversations are diabolical. There's too many to keep track of, so all of them get lost in the shuffle, and when you receive a new match, all of...
  7. ReesePiece23

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    The other side to this, is that you DID get married, but never got into business. I don't know if it's better to feel a bit lonely but otherwise fulfilled, or happily married, but feeling incredibly unfulfilled. Wild horses couldn't pull me away from doing what I'm most passionate about - and...
  8. ReesePiece23

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    Stick to your non-negotiables. And attract someone with your energy, not through an app. (If possible.) It's a soul destroying experience spending dinner with someone from an app who isn't on your wavelength - let alone a series of dates. And I don't think I need to tell you how it feels to...
  9. ReesePiece23

    What's on your mind?

    The incel mentality is flawed. The world's population is so overwhelmingly huge, that the odds of you being unattractive to all 3.9 billion women is preposterously remote. Even if you had a terrible attitude, were arrogant, bigoted, held misogynistic views and hated animals, someone will still...
  10. ReesePiece23

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    Inconclusive at this stage - but time will tell. Try to avoid getting your body language encyclopedia out and searching up "what does it mean when she does this" or "what does it means when she does that" because you'll just fill your head up with junk and you won't be able to see the clear cut...
  11. ReesePiece23

    The Art Gallery

    A painting of my paint-sodden kitchen towel. This is the first time that I have ever painted an image of a piece of studio equipment. It gives you a weird feeling inside... It really does. Like seeing a reflection of yourself in another dimension.
  12. ReesePiece23

    King Charles Given 2 Years to Live as He Battles Pancreatic Cancer

    He'll be alright. Two years in the medical world is actually a very long time - and He's British. We're comprised of 98% teflon and 2% steel (the 2% is from all of the Irn Bru we drink.)
  13. ReesePiece23

    What's on your mind?

    With regards to earlier comments about bad dreams, I have re-lived old forgotten memories while under the influence of THC and have been able to put an entirely new spin on things - thus in some sense, eliminating some of the PTSD that surrounded past traumas. I made the choice to view them...
  14. ReesePiece23

    What's on your mind?

    Oh, possibly. I don't tend to take such terms to heart anyway, it's only a rough guide. Thank you for your prayers, I'll report back in time with another receipt .
  15. ReesePiece23

    Want to date or be dateable, attractive to women... Therapy or dating coach?

    The mistake a fair few seem to make (possibly after listening to a dating "guru" or reading something online) is that building something out of a friendship is the most taboo thing you can do - however... As someone who has dated friends - and women where the romantic interest was the sole...