Recent content by Reasonably Sane

  1. Reasonably Sane

    What is freewill?

    The european version of the movie "The Vanishing" touches on the concept of free will in an interesting way. The bad guy is nuts, but smart. He confesses that he believes free will is limited and uses his permanently damaged finger as exhibit A. It goes something like this: When he was a child...
  2. Reasonably Sane

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    Unlike Nancy Pelosi. :tearsofjoy: (very short video, worth the watch)
  3. Reasonably Sane

    Hottest Week on Record, Hottest June, Record hottest days, Record Low Antarctic sea ice

    Yeah, I've seen all that. I have been discussing/arguing this on the internet since 2004. I don't get into the weeds on this any more. Not worth my time nor those reading my posts. I just recommend watching the video I posted just before this and, if you have the time, the one before it (the...
  4. Reasonably Sane

    Hottest Week on Record, Hottest June, Record hottest days, Record Low Antarctic sea ice

    You are trying to argue if global warming is real. Your post merely parots what some people claim. That is not convincing. Rather, may I suggest going to the horses mouth here (one month old video):
  5. Reasonably Sane

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I've made my case, I'll leave it to the jury, biased though they all are to one degree or another. I'd like to respond to your last line, though: You are sort of right. I didn't see the Cronkite reporting the way I now do for at least ten years after the event. However, Back then there were not...
  6. Reasonably Sane

    Epoch Times CFO Bill Guan is charged in alleged $67 million global money laundering scheme

    The problem is that there are people on each side of every issue that have something to gain. Look at scientists regarding global warming. There is HUGE incentive to toe the line on it, and careers have been destroyed when scientists switch to the "denier" camp. And they don't do it for the...
  7. Reasonably Sane

    Epoch Times CFO Bill Guan is charged in alleged $67 million global money laundering scheme

    It's mainly my personal observation and living in the world we live in. Look at Russiagate, The nonsense they tried to force us into during the pandemic, etc. And this woman actually touches on it, IIRC, here:
  8. Reasonably Sane

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I don't think the courts are all biased democrats. But some judges are. There are a fair number in NYC, I'm pretty sure. And let's be honest here for a minute: Trump has been a known quantity there for a very long time. And he's been very successful, often with extreme bullying tactics. I have...
  9. Reasonably Sane

    Hottest Week on Record, Hottest June, Record hottest days, Record Low Antarctic sea ice

    One thing you really have to be careful about regarding surface temps is the location of the monitoring stations. The "urban heat island" effect can really skew results. Some have argued that only stations that are in rural or desert areas that have seen no real population changes are all that...
  10. Reasonably Sane

    Epoch Times CFO Bill Guan is charged in alleged $67 million global money laundering scheme

    I suddenly came up with a theory a few days ago about why so many intelligent people seem to believe the nonsense about the earth being flat. It is this: The press and our leaders, including those within the realm of scientific study, have been caught so often in the last couple of decades, and...
  11. Reasonably Sane

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I think he's biased in the same way that mid 20th century Jews were biased against the Nazi party. Sometimes bias comes from knowledge.
  12. Reasonably Sane

    Hottest Week on Record, Hottest June, Record hottest days, Record Low Antarctic sea ice

    For those that are interested, though Coperincus primarily monitors levels of methane and CO2 in the atmosphere, it also monitors "surface air temperature". Here's the rundown: Copernicus Climate Data Store | Copernicus Climate Data Store
  13. Reasonably Sane

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I have family there. So yes, I go back about once a year. I read an article in a San Francisco newspaper about 35 years ago where the author had visited Seattle and she said it was like San Francisco, "ten years ago" and it reminded her of how San Francisco "used to be". I said to myself, "uh...
  14. Reasonably Sane

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    I live in a world of human beings in the US in the 21st century. What world do you live in? I've been a political pundit so long I used to call into political talk radio in Seattle back in the day before Rush even broadcasted there. And the talk shows had a horrible liberal bent. I'm biased in...
  15. Reasonably Sane

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    There are zero independent experts. Zero. In our current political environment, if someone is truly independent, they are not an expert.