Recent content by rayraysh

  1. R

    Are Tarot cards okay?

    Tarot is just one tool in my spiritual tool box. As is meditation, try Free Online Tarot Reading | Tarotoo . As is prayer. As is taking communion on the odd occasion I go to church. As is shamanic journeying..... and all of the other little rituals and practices I partake in. No person is any...
  2. R

    Is Astrology a science?

    Hey there, Mixing astrology and science is a bit like blending art and technology - it can be fascinating! Astrology, rooted in ancient traditions, explores the cosmic influence on personalities and events. On the other hand, science seeks empirical evidence and measurable phenomena. Some modern...
  3. R

    What Does the Bible Say About Addiction?

    1 Corinthians 10:13“But when you are tempted, He [God] will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” It tells addicts that there is always a way back to sobriety. Even when it all seems hopeless, never give up. Addicts can overcome the temptation of drugs. Btw i wanna contact crossway...
  4. R

    What can I do about lustful thoughts when I see another woman?

    Hey there! Dealing with lustful thoughts can be challenging, but remember, you have the power to overcome them. One technique that has helped me is redirecting my focus. When those thoughts arise, shift your attention to something positive and meaningful. Engage in a hobby, read a book, or have...
  5. R

    Does anyone on here suffer from Fibromyalgia?

    after a 10 year long search, seeing so many specialists, so many tests, so many hospitals, and no diagnoses and no one knowing what i was suffering from.. i finally got diagnosed with fibromyalgia last month. i was relieved yet scared knowing i will never get rid of the pain.. i also have a...
  6. R

    ~ Fasting and Nutrition ~

    I've been experimenting with fasting recently (this article explains it). Initially I started with 16hr fasts, moved onto 24hr fasts commonly known as OMAD (One Meal A Day) and most recently I have done a 3 day fast after learning of therapeutic properties of autophagy on long fasts. All were...
  7. R

    Hormones in meat - EU vs USA

    I've just found out that beef cattle in the US are routinely injected with growth hormones (this practice is outlawed in the EU). What are my options if I want to avoid hormone treated beef? _____________ Premarin Cream
  8. R

    which exercise do you enjoy the most?

    I really enjoy doing pushups, I suppose that's one thing. Physical training, which almost always includes pushups and situps, is almost my daily routine. This is a good article to read How Many Push-Ups Should I Do To Get My Body In Tip Top Shape? . It describes the advantages of pushaps
  9. R

    What Does Your Everyday Diet Consist Of?

    My average day would be: Breakfast: Porridge + Coffee Snack: Apple Lunch: Usually either soup or a salad. Some vitamins from Canada Drugs store Snack: Popcorn Dinner: Varies wildly but something usually around 700 calories? Evening: Coffee + fruit depending on how fatty my dinner is I might have...
  10. R

    What is the biology of good health?

    Sure, exercise every day for 30 minutes, run your diffuser daily here, eat good fresh food, and make lots of friends.
  11. R

    Insomnia Worsening...

    My wife suffered from insomnia for years and took meds, but about a year ago she started using Volant essential oils and it has made a huge difference. She has really educated herself on the use of the oils, and they have made a huge difference with sleeping and other issues. Not all brands are...
  12. R

    Back pain

    I am a back pain patient. I have been suffering from lower back pain for 2 years. I used to take Online Pharmacy painkillers regularly. I am doing exercise and changing my sitting and sleeping posture. My pain is now almost under control. Thank you for your advice.
  13. R

    Cheat in university and studies

    I literally don't think I can cheat in my classes since I'm an education student. Btw do you consider using services like a cheating? We don't get tests, we just write a lot a essays that have no right or wrong answers and get graded on...
  14. R

    Good Study Habits

    Here is what I advise you to do to improve your study habits. 1) Identify you have a studying problem (Which you did, so check) 2) Quit any bad habits that may have been distracting but didn't affect your grades in undergrad (i.e. smoking, drinking, etc.) 3) GET A STUDY GROUP (cannot really...
  15. R

    which exercise do you enjoy the most?

    I like doing some fitness at home, I downloaded an app that gives you a daily training schedule. But just some yoga is nice also – to me, it's most important that I can do it in my room, especially during this turbulent times. The hurdle to go out for a walk or to a gym is much higher than just...