Recent content by raeeldri

  1. raeeldri


    Thank you
  2. raeeldri


    Thank you for your condolences. In three months, it will be one year, over the last 9 months I have had a lot of firsts. First marriage anniversary without her, first move without her, first trip to Israel without her. You know what I mean. Each day is easier than the day before. It is still...
  3. raeeldri


    My name is Frederick (Rick) Eldridge, I am new here. I am an American who lives in Jordan. The Father called my wife here back in 2015. We began the process of selling and planning our move here in Jordan. We moved here in July 2016. We have seen God move mightily in miracles and people's...
  4. raeeldri

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    I do not know what to tell you about your experiences. What I do know is that we each make our choices and we are to live with the consequences. My first wife committed adultery while I was at work. I did not make her choose to do what she had done. Yet that is what happened. We wound up...
  5. raeeldri

    Feeling stuck

    There are times when I feel all alone. Even though I am surrounded by people. Yeah sure, they love me, and they look out for me. It is not the same thing. How do I deal with this? I miss her and I want her back, but I know that is not possible. One day I will see her again. All I think about is...
  6. raeeldri

    Widowed last June and still have a lot to do.

    In all of this, all I can say is that YHVH has our back, and our front and He is with us through this tough time. I know that there are times when the sun does not seem to shine and there are other times when the sun never seems to stop shining. I do know that He brings joy into our lives, and...
  7. raeeldri

    What do we do with a deep desire to be married again?

    The simple answer is to give the desire over to God. That sounds simple but it is the most difficult. I do not know how long it has been since you were married, but I do know that it could take a while before the one God has in mind for you is placed on your path. In our grief, we make poor...
  8. raeeldri

    How do you hold it together?

    It was that way with me at first and as each day that goes by it is a little easier than the day before. Then there are days I am moody and mad at everyone for nothing, Yet I know that He loves me. My wife and I were married 36 years when she passed last September. When I was dealing with our...
  9. raeeldri

    When did you remove your wedding ring?

    After my wife of 36 years, about after a month, I looked at my ring and I heard in my ears, till death do we part. Then I was ready. I am not saying that is what you should do, rather when it or if it is time then you will know. Do not let anyone tell you that you to move on, that is between you...
  10. raeeldri

    Feeling stuck

    Since my wife's passing in September last year, I am still trying to find my place in life. We were married for 36 years. In 1988 she was diagnosed with MS so from that point on we were dealing with all the issues that come with MS. So I went from knowing nothing about it to becoming her primary...
  11. raeeldri

    Widowed last June and still have a lot to do.

    Gillian, I kind of get it. My wife passed last September. I just recently dealt with the last of her estate. We were married for 36 years and from 1988 we had to deal with MS with her. So I became her primary caregiver. So, after her death, I went from that to a widower. Even though I have a lot...
  12. raeeldri

    I think it is okay to refer to him as your husband and there will be a time when you will be...

    I think it is okay to refer to him as your husband and there will be a time when you will be able to refer to him by his name. I hope that this is help.
  13. raeeldri

    I too have this problem. My wife died just last September. When I speak about her, I often refer...

    I too have this problem. My wife died just last September. When I speak about her, I often refer to her name and say, my wife. I think as time passes that will lessen, however, I think that God has that as part of our healing process. She was part of my life for over 30 years, and it is hard to...