Recent content by Pythagon

  1. Pythagon

    Anime Movie: Belle

    Never heard of it. is it on netflix?
  2. Pythagon

    Many of these posts are trivial.

    Hate to say it But you are right
  3. Pythagon

    Was God's choosing Israel an act of aparteid...

    By our standard MAYBE but God is allowed to do whatever he wants. "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame"
  4. Pythagon

    Luxury Items - Sin or Not?

    Yeah, I understand using gold that way. What I question is the morality of piling up money, buying expensive clothes, golden chains, sport cars and other luxury items. When people around you struggle to get their daily meal.
  5. Pythagon

    Why do Bad Things Happen to God's People?

    John 9:1-3 Some people suffer so that God will be glorified
  6. Pythagon

    Teacher explains equity, tells students why they can't be treated equally

    Not 'would' but potentially 'could'. People should be hired based on merit and skill. Moreover, it wouldn't be just to deny a tell a qualified male candidate that he can't be hired because he's in the wrong sex. Which is what happens anytime we deny someone a job opportunity based on gender...
  7. Pythagon

    Luxury Items - Sin or Not?

    Why buy gold when there are still hungry people in the world? Not very Christlike.
  8. Pythagon

    Teacher explains equity, tells students why they can't be treated equally

    "There aren't as many women engineers in the company as male engineers, so we must higher every woman engineer that applies until the numbers are equal." Why do people do this? Looks like a way of promoting incompetence
  9. Pythagon

    A short explaination of the human-nature

    Man should have remained in Yakel Village?
  10. Pythagon

    Artist Looking For Christian Comic Strip Ideas

    Wow, A lot of thoughts must have gone into these books. This is something I'd actually like to be part of. But how do make sure these books reach the children they were meant for? Comics strips can be shared online but the layout of the books suggest they were made for printing.
  11. Pythagon

    Artist Looking For Christian Comic Strip Ideas

    It's actually funny I agree. I believe cartoons can be used for God. I don't just know how yet
  12. Pythagon

    Hi I'm Pythagon Lo-fi Producer and Rapper

    The rapping part is mainly a joke btw.. Nice to meet Y'all
  13. Pythagon

    Artist Looking For Christian Comic Strip Ideas

    Hi, I'm Pytha and I draw a little. I would like to make some simple Christian cartoons that can be shared easily. Hit me up if you have any ideas that can pass a message, serve as an encouragement or just poise a question or a joke. Also check out r/comics to see what a comic strip looks like.
  14. Pythagon

    Is YE a gospel musician?

  15. Pythagon

    Is YE a gospel musician?

    Are songs like "Father Stretch My Hands" and "Follow God" considered Godly? Considering the fact that he sang it with a choir