Recent content by progressivegal

  1. progressivegal

    Should you use a rod to keep your son in line?

    Actually there's not "plenty who aren't" that's the thing. You would seriously be hard pressed to find a convicted criminal who was not subjected to corporal punishment of some kind. Though I will admit that in most cases it's harsh physical punishment, not simply an opened palm swat on a...
  2. progressivegal

    Should you use a rod to keep your son in line?

    Not to mention that every child is different. And that there can be different ideas about what "reasoning" means.
  3. progressivegal

    Should you use a rod to keep your son in line?

    Correct. Study after study links spanking to violent and anti-social behavior (the one thing pretty much all prison inmates have in common is that they were physically punished as children.) IMO, children need discipline, but discipline does NOT mean spanking or hitting, it means teaching with...
  4. progressivegal

    Curious George? I just saw this on another forum (it made me LOL) I figured anyone who's ever sat innocently reading a childrens book before pre-screening it and came upon something shocking might appreciate it ;)
  5. progressivegal

    Dating Anniversary

    Us too (kind of, it happened to be one of the dates the church was available). We were married on our 18 month dating anniversary. We actually try to celebrate the 22nd of each moth. In fact, we're going out to dinner tonight, because my husband is working late tomorrow. This is our year and 9...
  6. progressivegal

    You might be Emergent if...

    I'll play! if you listen to U2, Not really, I was just telling my husband yesterday how overrated they are. I mean, U2 is OK, but they're not the Beatles or anything. bono is cool I guess. Moby, He seems like a cool guy, but I can't think of one of his songs and Johnny Cash’s Hurt If I've...
  7. progressivegal

    Have people changed?

  8. progressivegal

    Chicken Pox Parties?

    Also just wanted to point out (though it may have been mentioned already) that having chicken pox as a child doesn't always guarantee immunity for life, I know people who've had it twice. Of course, the vaccine doesn't either.
  9. progressivegal

    Have people changed?

    There have been so many astute observations on this thread. :)
  10. progressivegal

    Spin-off pugluv's thread: having baby to make partner happy?

    And I agree 100%. It's not fair for a child to grow up feeling as though their parent resents them.
  11. progressivegal

    Chicken Pox Parties?

    That's a very good point. You never know how a person is going to react to the Chicken Pox, and I know if I were a parent I could never forgive myself for purposely exposing them to it if something terrible were to happen. After reading this thread, I'm leaning more and more against the idea.
  12. progressivegal

    Have people changed?

    Exactly. Personally I find nothing turns me off more than a "macho " man. I am attracted to men whom I wouldn't call "effeminate", but who have characteristics that are often categorized as "feminine" such as being kind, nurturing, sensitive, empathetic, and creative.
  13. progressivegal

    Wow...who are these folks, are they the "norm" in The Anabaptist beliefs?

    I would say there is only one category that is important Children of God = Everyone. But maybe that's the quaker in me :)
  14. progressivegal

    Chicken Pox Parties?

    Me too. I still don't really know what to think about this, I've always found the concept interesting, but I'm not sure that I agree with it. Or that I don't.
  15. progressivegal

    Have people changed?

    Word. My husband PREFERS to do the laundry, cook (though our kitchen is so crappy, very minimal cooking actually occurs) and take care of the house. I would go crazy if I didn't work.