
I grew up in NSW Australia with a younger brother and sister.

We always had animals and I love pets.

I did well in school. I came top of the year in Senior Science and Ancient History in my HSC.

I now have three certificates from TAFE and am looking at university.

I am quirky and unusual for my age. My taste doesn't run with the norm. You'll often see me in crazy stockings and I'm well known for my hats/fascinators.

After a long search for churches I believe I have found my church family :)

Really I have three because I've moved a few times and had to change churches.

Apart from that read on and learn more :)

I love to read and write, I'm currently learning a few languages, I enjoy looking at and creating art.

I play the Irsih drum and the piano,often coming up with my own little ditties.

I love watching and editing movies and video clips.

I adore music, my taste is fairly eclectic but I particularly love classical, opera, musicals, rock and blues.

I create costumes whenever I get an excuse and love dressing up.

I love acting and singing too but mostly solo.

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Lost in my mind somewhere...
Intercessor, warrior, worshiper and lover of Jesus
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‘Who is this that grows like the dawn,
As beautiful as the full moon,
As pure as the sun,
As awesome as an army with banners?’

Song of Songs 6:10 NASB