Recent content by port41919

  1. P

    Part-time Pastor issue....doing the bare minimum?

    Introversion is not a reason to be unfriendly. I am an introvert of which there are four types. Yes, we like our space but we, who are followers of God, care about people. We can also be quite talkative at times due to our passion for the Lord.
  2. P

    Part-time Pastor issue....doing the bare minimum?

    I thought churches had elders for this type of thing. I think he needs a mentor (another pastor) to help him. It would be unkind to tell him he is not a good pastor. You clearly are unhappy with him. It may be time to find another church. From what you state, the pastor is lacking a deep...
  3. P

    what to do

    Sometimes it is time to find a church where you really like your pastor and other leaders of the church. God may have a purpose for you somewhere else. Take your gifts and put them where they are appreciated and you get the support you need. God bless!
  4. P

    I will pray for your mind and heart to be healed. Trump did it out of self interest as usual...

    I will pray for your mind and heart to be healed. Trump did it out of self interest as usual. He is running for re-election.
  5. P

    The first step in receiving salvation is accepting that Jesus is the son of God, that He died...

    The first step in receiving salvation is accepting that Jesus is the son of God, that He died for our sins and was resurrected.
  6. P

    What does your last sentence mean?

    What does your last sentence mean?
  7. P

    I can't feel the Holy Spirit's presence or hear his voice... am I on my way to hell?

    From what you have stated, it seems you are abandoning God. John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one come to the Father except through me." Receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and believe he is the Son of God. Then, get to know God. Build a relationship with Him. You are...
  8. P

    the wrath of God

    Matthew introduces John the Baptist as a fulfillment of Isaiah 40:3. He is the voice crying in the wilderness as he prepares the way for the Lord. John calls the crowds who travel to hear him to repent from their sins. The kingdom of heaven is close! He also warns of God's judgment, specifically...
  9. P

    Can we have the Holy Spirit within before "technically" coming to repentance?

    “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Accept Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit
  10. P

    How to prove that GOD exists from a scientific point of view?

    Scientists, even Quantum Theorists, have tried so hard to find proof of something you can only know by faith. The can neither prove or disprove His existence.
  11. P


    Welcome Raidell. Love your name! He will do His part to lead you out and you have to do your part as well. I do not know what you do regarding knowing God. This is what I do now, but did not do nearly enough of before. I read my daily devotionals. I am in life groups at my church, I read the...
  12. P

    Help with Jn 9, 41, please

    Barnes' Notes on the Bible If ye were blind - If you were really blind had had no opportunities of learning the truth. If you were truly ignorant, and were willing to confess it, and to come to me for instruction. No sin - You would not be guilty. Sin is measured by the capacities or ability of...
  13. P

    Do you ever feel depressed because God is not using you?

    God never gives up on us. My problem is that there is, or what feels like, pressure to make disciples. I am a helper and a giver but I do not have a clue as how to approach people with the gospel. The thought of it makes me uncomfortable. If I was put in a situation where the Holy Spirit...
  14. P

    What does "Those who find their life will lose it" mean in Matthew 10:39

    Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible He that findeth his life shall lose it,.... That man that seeks to preserve his life, and the temporal enjoyments of it, by a sinful compliance with his friends and the world, and by a denial of Christ, or non-confession of him; if he is not, by the...