
I was raised in a very godly -- and very strict-- Mennonite home. (Homemade clothes and large head-covering.) I married young, and had 2 kids.
God opened the Word to me, and I became filled with the Spirit at age 28. I left the Mennonites and became Pentecostal.
Then hubby became mentally ill and abandoned us. Kids were 9 and 15. That was a very hard road, but God brought us through... He has done so many miracles for us, restoring my kids' faith in Him.
Now, I am in my 50's, and my kids are grown and gone--both serving the Lord. Daughter is happily married, son is working on earning his Master's.

And God dropped a bombshell on me, three years ago, calling me into the ministry. I would never have chosen this. My very large, loving Mennonite family was devastated that I left their church... and now that I am preaching, they feel I have been completely deceived.
But I have entered into a new realm of glory, walking with the Lord. I see miracles happening, as He confirms His Word. His hand of blessing rests on everything I attempt to do for Him. I see tremendous answers to prayer happening!

Jesus said that everyone who leaves family for His name sake, will receive 100-fold more, in this life. And I am finding it so.

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