Recent content by pkeck

  1. P

    "Reformed" "Reform" in name of church always mean the Pastor is Calvinistic in doctrine?

    When a church name includes the word "reformed" or "reform" does that always mean (or to a very high degree) that the Pastor will be Calvinistic in doctrine?
  2. P

    66 Book Bible Commentary Video DVD series to purchase?

    Is there a 66 book video DVD bible commentary available for sale that teaches every book of the bible in a professional (i.e. non-cartoon, etc) style by a top notch bible teacher that can really bring the meaning of the bible alive for non-believers? I like expositional style preaching, line by...
  3. P

    History of Betrothal Position regarding Marriage and Divorce

    What is the history of the Betrothal View regarding Marriage and Divorce? Am I right in understanding that this view does not permit divorce for ANY reason? Which Christian denominations significantly or entirely follow this teaching? I seem to recall reading a long time ago that this...
  4. P

    Authoritative sources research doctrinal positions Independent Fundamental Baptist Pastors/Churches

    Is there an authoritative source(s) used by Independent Fundamental Baptist Pastors/Churches when researching the positions/views they hold on both doctrinal issues as well as other topics of interest within this type of church? Particularly looking for an online source for my researches, but...
  5. P

    Position(s) taken by Independent Fundamental Baptist Pastors/Churches on divorce & remarriage issue

    Is there a majority position (or sole position) on the positions of (a) divorce and (b) remarriage in the Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches in the USA? If so, is there a position paper that has broad support among IFB churches? And what is the approximate percentage of this majority view...
  6. P

    Divorce Remarriage Position Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches Pastors

    Is there a majority position (or sole position) on the positions of (a) divorce and (b) remarriage in the Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches in the USA? If so, is there a position paper that has broad support among IFB churches? And what is the approximate percentage of this majority view...