Recent content by Phoneman-777

  1. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    What ancient people used is irrelevant - a 24 hour day has always been 24 hours, consisting of a light portion and a dark portion....therefore, "the evening and the morning were the first day" simply means "12 hours of darkness followed by 12 hours of light" --- just like we see today. What we...
  2. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    Sure, Peter can speak of "old" as 6K years ago, with nothing prohibiting that. While we can read where "a day" is used to represent "a year" and then several Numerically Specific Time Prophecies using this principle (Israel's 40 year journey, 70 Weeks of Daniel) - we don't have a single such...
  3. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    God obviously didn't need a Sun to create the "morning" 12 hour portion of the days. Again, God created the spaces on days 1-3 and filled the spaces on days the "space of light" that formed the "morning" 12 hours on days 1-3 was filled with the Sun on day 4 and became the source of...
  4. Phoneman-777

    Wild claims about only SDAs being young Earth Creationists in the 1800's and early 1900's.

    The only science that's opposed to religion is the "false science" of evolution. The Bible told us many scientific facts that were eventually substantiated by empirical means. Have you ever considered that Satan is behind the attack on Genesis? There's no "revision" needed. We have the plain...
  5. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    I wasn't there, but what I read is that there was nothing...and as my favorite preacher says, "God stepped out onto nothing, and spoke to nothing, and from nothing came forth everything". Jeremiah 4 refers to the state of the planet after the Second Coming - there was no man, the cities were...
  6. Phoneman-777

    Wild claims about only SDAs being young Earth Creationists in the 1800's and early 1900's.

    Why don't you just cross over from punctuated equilibrium and just become a Creationist?
  7. Phoneman-777

    Wild claims about only SDAs being young Earth Creationists in the 1800's and early 1900's.

    I'm not confused - it's those who refuse to accept a literal reading of Genesis that are confused. Is God not capable of doing in six days what He says He's done in six days? No need to reinvent the wheel.
  8. Phoneman-777

    Wild claims about only SDAs being young Earth Creationists in the 1800's and early 1900's.

    It just points to excellent design useful on a variety of ABS or fuel injection.
  9. Phoneman-777

    The human body is a marvel. But why do you think God designed defecation to be so repugnant.

    I heard my favorite preacher say that in a sermon, C. D. Brooks. After a sermon by Brooks, one can't help but want to go forth a mighty man of God ready to storm the very gates of hell for Jesus.
  10. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    Since we read, "And the evening and the morning were the first day", we see the day being divided into "2" which means "the evening" is refering to 12 hours and "the morning" is refering to 12 hours - 12 hours of night time and 12 hours of daylight is what we read here.
  11. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    There's nothing metaphoric in Genesis. Everything God built in the earth and sky is literal, hard, substantive reality...there's no need for us to go around "spiritualizing away" that which God plainly and literally stated. I think the best evidence for the 7th day Sabbath is that we'll be...
  12. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    My grandpa used to tell me about "in his day" - I'm pretty sure he was talking about the years of his youth. However, if he'd said, "in the evening and morning of..." everyone would immediately understand he was referring to a specific 24 hour day. Funny thing is that if not for the lie of...
  13. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    Peter's correct, but his words are meant to convey to us an awesome aspect of God which is that He dwells outside the bounds of time and space, unlike His creatures which do - that's all his words mean. How do we know? Time symbolism is reserved for future prophetic revelation - not historic...
  14. Phoneman-777

    The Bible does not say the Earth Is 7,000 Years Old

    What isn't a problem is the fact that the "day" is marked by "evening and morning" which even a blind man can see refers to a literal 24 hour day. God used 6 of them to make everything in our cosmic locale. All other speculation is purely subjective exercise in sensationalism, the most...
  15. Phoneman-777

    Wild claims about only SDAs being young Earth Creationists in the 1800's and early 1900's.

    You aren't showing evidence of anything. Perhaps you ought to check out a presentation called "Icons of Evolution" which deal with some of what are proposed as "proof" for common descent, but dissected by Creationists and ID proponents to show why they're no evidence at all. Similar genes are...