Recent content by Philip_B

  1. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    That is a two-way street. Are you saying it is alright to kill people so long as you are wearing a uniform?
  2. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    Also in Samaria, as you rightly point out.
  3. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    That is true and certainly, a point that Noa Tishby made in her book on Israel. Rashid Khalidi in his book on the 100 Years War Against Palestine puts forward a well-argued and well-documented case that suggests that it is only part of the story. I suspect that for anyone who wants to be...
  4. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    That may be because they are all Semitic People, as indeed are the Jews. And indeed they are all human beings made in the image and after the likeness of God.
  5. Philip_B

    Answer the Question with a Question (6)

    Isn't it the kiwis who care about the ewes?
  6. Philip_B

    Answer the Question with a Question (6)

    Are there no 256 shades of grey?
  7. Philip_B

    Answer the Question with a Question (6)

    Did I not say they were gray?
  8. Philip_B

    Answer the Question with a Question (6)

    What about gray fireworks against a grey night sky?
  9. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    I should mention that the people you are referring to are Palestinians that you are asking to join the Israeli forces, and the group you are referring to is Hamas. I can only assume that your misspelling of their names was intentional and as pointless as your proposed actions. I wonder what you...
  10. Philip_B

    Answer the Question with a Question (6)

    Does that not result in the humiliation of the habitation?
  11. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    I don't buy that
  12. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    It is odd that you should have taken that position when Netanyahu said the strike was a tragic mistake.
  13. Philip_B

    What do make of John 5:18

    John 5:1 After this there was a festival of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. There is kind of a giveaway here as to who John is writing for there would be no need for Jewish readers and hearers to be told that it was a festival of the Jews. John's Gospel is commonly thought to be the...
  14. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    maybe the answer is not binomial!
  15. Philip_B

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    I have to ask if you have skin in the game. Your absolutes in this discussion thread excuse Israel and the IDF of all wrongs and if there is any likelihood they did wrong then it is the Palestinians' fault. You appear to do this to an extent that is beyond comprehension and reason. Your seeming...