Recent content by oberland

  1. O

    Christians will be in two places Heavan & Earth?

    Hi all, I recently heard teaching that post rapture, there will be some Christians living on the New Earth and some will be living in Heaven, I don't believe that but would like to know where it comes from. Thank you Oberland
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    Blue Jeans

    Hi all, Do you think that in a Sunday church service it is ok for the Preacher to wear jeans. Oberland
  3. O

    How do you baptise in a house church?

    Hi Zanting, I hope you have had a reply by now, if the church you attend demands that a baptism be carried out by a "recognised" minister, don't walk out of that church/denomination, and find a church that is centred around the Word, and not tradition. Oberland
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    Another question about the purpose driven life!

    My church is going to do the purpose driven life (TPDL), in February/March time, it seems to be an all encompassing teaching, every one will need to have a copy of TPDL as all teaching home groups etc will be centred around the teachings in this book, my concern is while I recognise that there...
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    against breast implants (and similair plastic surgery)

    Hi Flashskeletal, I have a problem in being against cosmetic surgery, because while I agree that it can be a form of vanity, if we were to ban cosmetic surgery on those grounds then we should also ban the wearing of make up, and any clothing that would appear “worldly” We could end up not far...
  6. O

    Is Ian Paisley God's man?

    Hi Cajun Huguenot, You make a strong statement, about Ian Paisley, could you back up your statement with facts, unless of course, you are guilty of the same sin you accuse Ian Paisley?
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    New to reformed Theology, advice please

    Hi, I'm looking to read more about reformed theology, having watched R.C. Sproul on tv, I have begun to think that there might be something in the Reformed Theology viewpoint. I would be grateful if someone could recommend teaching, that would set out reformed thinking for a newbie. Thanks...
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    Born Agains and Catholics

    Hi rick0824, I lifted this statement from a messianic community website, Saltshakers "Most people (including Orthodox Jews) define a Jew as someone born to a Jewish mother. Under the Israeli Law of Return it is not your degree of faith in Judaism that defines your Jewishness but your Jewish...
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    Born Agains and Catholics

    Hi Rick0824, If the writers of the Bible were not Jews what were they?
  10. O

    Okay, moral question

    It all depends on your intent when you made your decision to fast, if your intention is to limit or stop playing for a seven day period, then it would be ok to play, but as mentioned above you need to tell any other gamers involved that you are taking a time out from gaming, but you will be back...
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    From your cryptic reply, I am assuming that you dispute the figures given by government agencies and Christian organisations, that slavery is more active today than in the past (by the way, I am in no way using the present deplorable situation to mitigate the shameful behaviour of my country in...
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    Is using marijuana a sin?

    On a related issue, As a Christian, I used to get drunk every weekend, then on one Sunday/Monday morning I awoke from my drunken stupor, and thought if someone were to knock on my door, and ask, “is there were a Christian in the house” I would have been ashamed to say yes in that...
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    Born Agains and Catholics

    Hi rick0824, The true basis of Christianity is Christ, and that I think sums up the difference between those who put their trust in their eternal destination on Christ’s atoning death, and those people, Catholic or otherwise who put their trust in a denomination or belief system...
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    Hi all, Today, at least in England we “celebrated the abolition of slavery” unfortunately it soon became apparent that slavery has not been abolished at all, but is in fact more prevalent than ever. Three thoughts came to me: Man can pass (and has passed) as many laws as...
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    Why There Cannot Be Predestination

    Hi Matthen, One view that you might want to think about is, when man fell from grace in the garden, he fell completely, and is unable to have a saving relationship with God, therefore being cut off from the presence of God, all of mankind is deserving of Gods anger, however God in his...