Recent content by Normandt

  1. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    181. Charity Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians, invites us to charity. To evangelize today, let's develop charity towards people. Here is one of his famous passages: “If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. Love is...
  2. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    180. The Holy Spirit prepares the hearts The basis of evangelization begins with this: “Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.” Matthew, chapter 10, verse 40 It would be interesting to ask ourselves these questions: “Who is the person who seems...
  3. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    179. God gives us his Love The Church is on the move. We are in the world and we’re invited to share what we have received from Jesus. We already carry everything in our heart. We will pass on what we receive in abundance. Jesus, through us, will come to listen, to watch, to console, to heal...
  4. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    178. Lead people to salvation All that we say, all that we achieve will be to lead us and draw people to salvation in the Lord’s life. Let’s read a few times what Peter says in this little text and we will have a synthesis of the purpose of our faith: “That the genuineness of your faith, more...
  5. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    177. Let Jesus Love others And this phrase said by some people sometimes blocks us: “Ah, and you, you are perfect!” In fact, the person may not want our help. We still can pray for him. Let’s face it, nobody’s perfect. It would be a shame not to be able to help the people considering that...
  6. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    176. To evangelize and help others Paul is right: “The kindness of God would lead you to repentance.” Romans, chapter 2, verse 4 … To conversion. By and large, Paul invites us to patience, and to receive from people their kindness and generosity. We discover God’s goodness in them. The...
  7. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    175. Jesus in our hearts It must have been so difficult for the people who know Jesus to recognize him in his new mission. Jesus changed according to their eyes. From one day to the next, Jesus is on a mission and he must be very different before them. He says and he does what others can’t do...
  8. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    174. In the Light of Christ In the book of Isaiah we read: “The Lord called me from birth, from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.” Isaiah, chapter 49, verse 1 God calls all people, without exception, to a unique vocation and mission. Yet not all people respond to the invitation. Many...
  9. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    173. To walk in faith If there are people who can help in one area or another, mechanics, caretaking, fraternal listening, helping one of the members in one of his needs, according to their talents, the help will be appreciated and they will receive a hundredfold from the Lord. It would be...
  10. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    172. Fruits of paradise Jesus invites us to think: “Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?” Luke, chapter 12, verse 14 Jesus is not a judge as we may think. He doesn’t judge us as we often do. He lets us judge of what we achieve. He lets us decide if we want to share the goods...
  11. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    171. Talents Let’s invest in something that resembles us, brings us together and reflects our talents, supported by the teaching of the Church. It may seem simple, but it’s good to think about it properly to fit and meet our talents. Each person has his own charisms. It’s also recommended to...
  12. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    170. Leave some space for others “Behold, this too is vanity. Here is a man who has laboured with wisdom and knowledge and skill, and to another, who has not laboured over it, he must leave his property. This also is vanity and a great misfortune. For what profit comes to a man from all the...
  13. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    169. The one we talk about The Holy Spirit passes in hearts and between people. The Church is moving when its members become fervent. The Church is growing and the Holy Spirit is helping to multiply its members. John writes in his first letter: “Children, let us love not in word or speech but...
  14. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    168. Life and faith in Jesus May we recognize that Jesus is Lord and saves us from evil and sin. Jesus sends his disciples to learn at the mission school. He sends us there too. He tells us, “Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the...
  15. Normandt

    Normandt' meditations

    167. The Doctor Jesus declares: “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” Matthew, chapter 9, verses 12 to 13 Ah well, it’s surprising! Jesus calls...