Recent content by MysticalMiracle

  1. MysticalMiracle

    What are YOU currently reading? (8)

    "Every Young Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker.
  2. MysticalMiracle


    Hey Richard. Certainly, I had to learn the hard way. I been having the first two needs fufilled consistenly ever since I made the decision to return. Now for the other two... I joined a christan young adult group with the intention of cultivating friendships with other believers who are growing...
  3. MysticalMiracle


    Thank you Bobber
  4. MysticalMiracle


    Thank you maintenance man! Great blessings to you as well.
  5. MysticalMiracle


    Hello AB23, thank you for your response! I find the Parable of the Lost Son reassuring. It gives me hope for the future in having my relationship restored and not just being merely restored, but stronger than it was before. Pertaining to good works, I do like volunteering whether that's...
  6. MysticalMiracle


    Hello everyone. I was a catholic up until the age of 18. From that point on, I strayed away from the faith for five years. During my period of nonbelief, I was struggling with a particular sin. I recently came back to believing in God again because I could no longer deny the truth that I needed...