Recent content by Myooran

  1. M

    I recently put my trust in Jesus Christ

    Thank you. It means so much that you'd pray for me.
  2. M

    I recently put my trust in Jesus Christ

    Thank you for welcome. I am excited to start this new journey with Jesus Christ as my Saviour and my Lord.
  3. M

    What are the important things to learn as a Christian?

    The Sermon on the Mount is just so beautiful. Jesus has made it so clear what is right and wrong.
  4. M

    I recently put my trust in Jesus Christ

    Amen! I have knocked on God's door and he has answered.
  5. M

    Is anyone else here from a non-Christian family?

    Hello everyone, I am from the UK. I am from a non-Christian family and for all my life I've struggled with trying to know God and trying to find answers to the big questions in life. I wanted to know what happened after we died. I wanted to know a way to know God. That was before I heard the...
  6. M

    Greetings from Washington state

    Hi! I only recently turned to Christ. Greetings from London, England!
  7. M

    I recently put my trust in Jesus Christ

    Thank you for the welcome.
  8. M

    Possible Terror at concert in Britain, explosions heard

    It might be that Islam wants to spread by the sword but Christianity must spread by the word. We must expand through preaching of the Gospel, not through coercion.
  9. M

    I recently put my trust in Jesus Christ

    I am from a household which worships the false God of Hinduism. Throughout my childhood I believed that God existed, but I didn't know who he was. The religion of my parents never gave me any answers. I always wanted to know who God was and whether I'll ever see Him, and I wanted to know whether...
  10. M

    Possible Terror at concert in Britain, explosions heard

    Many Christians after attacks like this use them as an opportunity to verbally attack Muslims and the Muslim community, but we need to be aware that most Muslims are people who need Christ in their lives. We need to love them and bring them to Christ. Hating on them is not the way to go. A few...
  11. M

    Possible Terror at concert in Britain, explosions heard

    Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute, that you may one day be children of your Father in Heaven.
  12. M

    Who is Jared Kushner and why is he being hoisted to prime cabinet positions?

    It seems to me that he's a very nice guy who's trusted by Trump and who Trump feels has the skills to do the job. Obviously there may be nepotism involved. The only thing is that he hasn't accepted Christ as his Saviour. To be perfectly honest, I don't know if Trump has either. In a previous...