Recent content by MommaBuckaroo

  1. MommaBuckaroo


    I would love the link if you have it.
  2. MommaBuckaroo


    We have been involved in AWANA for over 5 years now and my husband was until recently the AWANA commander at our Duty Station ( only stopped because we were moving with the military). We LOVE the AWANA program, our kids have learned so much and 2 have been saved through AWANA.
  3. MommaBuckaroo

    Preschool- WWYD

    I know this is months late, take it for what it is worth. Homeschool is the best decision I ever made for my kids. I have 2 on the spectrum, one with aspergers/adhd and one with pdd-nos. You do NOT have to have school to help your child the way that he sould be helped. Tricare will cover in...
  4. MommaBuckaroo

    Anyone have a violent autistic child ?

    I have 2 children on the spectrum. My oldest has aspergers and ADHD, my middle child has PDD-NOS. I agree with others about behavioral therapy. ABA is wonderful!
  5. MommaBuckaroo


    Hi all! I have been MIA for a while and am back. I don't know if anyone remembers me or not but my husband is/was on this forum too, he is Active Duty in the Army:).
  6. MommaBuckaroo

    Homosexuality in Military

    I agree that was beautiful!
  7. MommaBuckaroo

    Homosexuality in Military

    My hubby is Active Duty and when we have spoke about this these are our thoughts. One there are already homosexuals serving. We are very conservative and in now way support their lifestyle but it is not so different then working somewhere else, we cannot control who we will work with. The...
  8. MommaBuckaroo


    I have been MIA here for a few years LOL. What happened to the homeschool section?
  9. MommaBuckaroo

    Homeschooling Families

    I homeschool and we love it!!!
  10. MommaBuckaroo

    Survey about Christian Aspies and Church

    I am very late coming to this but I have 2 children on the spectrum. They are both high functioning, one has Aspergers and one with PDD-NOS and neither have had anything special as far as classes or anything goes. They attend regular classes and are both very active in AWANA and do great.
  11. MommaBuckaroo

    My peers dismiss Autism as "SIN"

    I have not read all the replies but I have 2 children on the spectrum and I would never view it as a sin. My oldest is 8 and he loves the Lord, it isn't that he wants to make the choices that he makes, he cannot control himself. With a lot of therapy he has made leaps and bounds progress and is...
  12. MommaBuckaroo

    Just thought I would let everyone know....

    WOW I had not been on here since May to update!!! Shameful I WOW where to begin with the update.... I ended up being diagnosed with a 2 vessel cord but they think that we will not have any issues from that. At first I was freaking out though but I do know the Lord is in control...
  13. MommaBuckaroo

    Due Date List

    Well I am a little late...I am due Jan 14th but they are doing a C-section this Thursday!!!
  14. MommaBuckaroo

    Just thought I would let everyone know....

    The boys are 4 and 15 months:)
  15. MommaBuckaroo

    Just thought I would let everyone know....

    I am pregnant again with baby number 3!!!! :clap: We are really happy and can't wait to meet the new addition. I have no idea yet how far along I am because I am still nursing my youngest and haven't regulated since having him, soooo I go on the 21st to the Dr and then they will schedule me...