Recent content by Matt Bruns

  1. Matt Bruns

    Will the apophis asteroid in 2029 be the fulfillment of the wormwood prophecy?

    Do you believe the wormwood prophecy is real?
  2. Matt Bruns

    Do you think the rapture will happen before 2030?

    Do you think Jesus will return in the 2020s?
  3. Matt Bruns

    If someone is taking a short break from church for personal reasons is that a bad thing?

    Does that mean there is an issue with them at church?
  4. Matt Bruns

    Are we in the 7 year tribulation?

    How will we know when the great tribulation will start?
  5. Matt Bruns

    If someone is taking a short break from church for personal reason's is that a bad thing?

    Does that mean there is an issue with church?
  6. Matt Bruns

    Do you think Jesus will return in 2033?

    There are people thinking that Jesus will return 2000 years after he died.
  7. Matt Bruns

    Is the solar eclipse in 2017 and 2024 the tribulation?

    I thought the during the tribulation followers of Christ would not be here. I thought we would be raptured at the beginning of the 7 years.
  8. Matt Bruns

    Is a generation 80 years or 120 years?

    The Bible promises 120 years but other people argue saying a generation is only 80 years.
  9. Matt Bruns

    Do you think the rapture will happen in our lifetime?

    Bible says, No End Time, No Rapture for 300 years.
  10. Matt Bruns

    Do you think the rapture will happen in our lifetime?

    A generation is 120 years. So if they are talking about the generation from 1948, the end of this generation would be 2068. I believe we are in the last days but there is still a lot that has to happen before the end comes.
  11. Matt Bruns

    Do you think the rapture will happen in our lifetime?

    I think a lot of people are just wanting it to happen because they have no hope in healing the world. I have hope and believe that the world can get better.
  12. Matt Bruns

    Do you think the rapture will happen in our lifetime?

    It says that there will be a 7 year period called the great tribulation. It will be the 7 years between the rapture and the second coming. They are not the same event. All the rapture means is judgement. God will judge who comes to heaven then when Jesus comes back he will take all his believers...
  13. Matt Bruns

    Do you think the rapture will happen in our lifetime?

    I do believe we are living in the last days but I still don't think the end is here. I think there is still a lot to come.
  14. Matt Bruns

    Do you think Jesus will return in our lifetime?

    I think the world has many years left. I don't think we are really as close to the end as some people think we are.