Recent content by Mathetes66

  1. Mathetes66

    president says "we will plant Trillions of Trees now" because

    I have put many in with a gravel soil and clay as well. Rarely can a shovel be used at first until getting down to the clay underneath all the rocks. I have HAD to use a pickax/mattock to get through the rocks. And I said it was work to plant trees, not hard work. You said its not much work...
  2. Mathetes66

    What Happened to Magic?

    As I understand Scripture, I would respectfully differ with you on your statement above. And here is my understanding & reasoning as I search the Scriptures. Lucifer or Satan or the devil was not the beginning of sin; Adam was. Sin & death & corruption never entered God's creation until Adam...
  3. Mathetes66

    What Happened to Magic?

    The writers of Scripture & the people KNEW the difference between miracles of the power of God vs the practice of magic arts/sorcery from demonic powers. Acts 19:13-20 Now there were some itinerant Jewish exorcists who tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those with evil spirits...
  4. Mathetes66

    Rand Paul : Trump's children should sue Schumer for defamation

    When someone throws in someone's children without any basis in an impeachment trial, that is like hitting someone below the belt in a foul blow, meant to demean children. He has stooped to a new low that parents from all walks of life should be outraged with.
  5. Mathetes66

    president says "we will plant Trillions of Trees now" because

    Thanks for agreeing with me, its work.
  6. Mathetes66

    What Happened to Magic?

    Jesus had NOTHING to do with magic, sorcery & witchcraft! It is condemned in the Bible. But He DID do miracles & healings & casting out demons from people by the power of the Holy Spirit. One must remember that Jesus' & the apostles' ministry for three years was in the Middle East only. It...
  7. Mathetes66

    president says "we will plant Trillions of Trees now" because

    Be on the lookout for planes bearing gifts! :clap::ebil:
  8. Mathetes66

    president says "we will plant Trillions of Trees now" because

    You ever planted trees? Lazy people don't plant because its WORK! And planting trees is worldwide not just in the US. And yes, it does take some planning in planting them. I plant trees every year now. Wish I had started earlier, especially with dwarf fruit trees and sharing the fruit with...
  9. Mathetes66

    Bolton book alleges Trump tied Ukraine aid freeze to Biden investigations

    Another one of those 'mind readers.' Seems to be a lot of them around lately.
  10. Mathetes66

    Bolton book alleges Trump tied Ukraine aid freeze to Biden investigations

    The Times article suspect. Even Bolton's team denies the above claim. Second, the NSC gets the pointing finger of the leak according to Bolton's team. Sarah Tinsley, a senior adviser to Bolton, told Fox News he had submitted a hard copy draft of his manuscript to the NSC several weeks ago for...
  11. Mathetes66

    Why did the blind man see men like trees walking when Jesus touched him?

    Simple answers to all your questions: you will have to ask Jesus. Anything else is pure speculation.
  12. Mathetes66

    Bolton book alleges Trump tied Ukraine aid freeze to Biden investigations

    anonymous source for a book that hasn't even begun to be fully written let alone published? And who is ignorant enough to believe that one? Not me.
  13. Mathetes66

    Mid Acts Dispensationalist Only In Christ before Paul?

    Prove it & give your sources.
  14. Mathetes66

    After the Apostles

    Church history is a fascinating subject. The Lord Jesus Christ continues to build His church. The foundation of the apostles & the prophets, with Jesus being the chief cornerstone has been laid. Their teachings have been taken by the one church & household of the living God & have been used to...
  15. Mathetes66

    Hey everyone! Im newbie

    Welcome, Kathyleen, to CF! May the Lord bless & keep you and yours as you walk in the Spirit and may our Lord use you in the furtherance of His kingdom and as a light shining in the darkness!