Recent content by Love365

  1. L

    Food and Desert Countries

    Ostrich farms? Emu farms?
  2. L

    Food and Desert Countries

    How would you stabilize the price of food in desert countries? If you can answer the question you might get peace in the Middle East.
  3. L

    Ostriches and the Desert

    How would you stabilize the price of food in desert countries?
  4. L

    Ostriches and the Desert

    Can emus live in the desert? Can you have emu farms in desert countries?
  5. L

    Declining Atheism v Disproportionate influence

    Children are the next generation of Christians. To get children back in church, you need young women to bring their children to church. To get young women back in church, you need women priests.
  6. L

    Would you support…

    Women priests could make women feel less afraid of pregnancy.
  7. L

    A Flag for Women Priests?

    Should there be a flag for women priests?
  8. L

    Ostriches and the Desert

    Why are Emu eggs that odd color?
  9. L

    The Russian Language

    Every year more members of Congress are ready to pull the plug and cut Ukraine funding. Peace talks need to start.
  10. L

    The Russian Language

    If we continue this endless war, not even trying for peace talks, we could end up with a President who will just pull the plug. No more money. No more tanks. President Trump President Kennedy President Gabbard President Paul Or maybe President Greene
  11. L

    The Spinning Wheel

    When is the time for neutral UN Blue Helmets?
  12. L

    The Spinning Wheel

    A direct line? Through Poland and Belarus?
  13. L

    The Spinning Wheel

    The United Nations is more like the Senate. Should the UN also have a version of the House?
  14. L

    Would you be more likely to join…

    Some women are submissive. Some women are neutral. Some women are dominant. Can some of them become priests?
  15. L

    The Spinning Wheel

    Most of Europe is connected by High Speed Rail. Build the missing line between Moscow and Berlin ?