Recent content by lifepsyop

  1. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    lol, yes... Zelensky was elected after an extremely violent insurrection that ousted the previous freely elected president of Ukraine. I'm well aware of how your version of liberal democracy works. Let's check in on Barbarian's example of liberal democracy in action: Zelenskyy has...
  2. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    What's really interesting is that the thing you really don't like about this image is the image itself. This could be a Christian monarch standing before an audience of loyal subjects and you'd hate the scene just as much and opt for "tranq valley" USA. It's not the dictatorship you dislike...
  3. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    Ah yes, nothing compares to the beautiful societies brought to you by Liberal Democracy. I said: "but it is widespread and state-sponsored.... whether by DC, FBI and other agencies, state governments, or major cities..." Which you choose to ignore because reality apparently makes you...
  4. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    That's the pure Liberal faith for you... you can't see anything outside of the framing of individual rights. Nothing ranks higher as a fundamental Good or Virtue in society. but it is widespread and state-sponsored.... whether by DC, FBI and other agencies, state governments, or major cities...
  5. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    It's just simple observation. Why call it hysteria? Interesting that you are reluctant to admit American regime-sponsorship of LGBT ideology when it's right before your eyes. Lawfulness and Lawlessness is a little more than what a liberal court decides from year to year. As were any...
  6. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    It's interesting that you don't view widespread, state-sponsored celebrations of men becoming women and women becoming men as a form of lawlessness. This represents a fundamental disordering of the most basic elements of God's creation of humanity. 21st century Christians can no longer...
  7. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    to be fair, modern Christians have basically gone along with it. Even conservative evangelicals consider the worldwide hegemony of post-WW2 Anglo-American Liberalism to be a great thing, divine providence, and the inauguration of a sacred Free World.
  8. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    This is an example of the "balancing act" that The Barbarian is defending. It's known as the state of exception, where true holders of power of the regime simply overturn all rule of law and order, usually in the interests of expanding power. For example, most of the things Abraham Lincoln...
  9. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    As the apostles of Jesus pointed out, legitimate rule of law is meant to be a terror to evil. Classical liberalism does not recognize good or evil, beyond the rationalistic billiard ball style morality of individual property transgressions. Seems as if to ask the question is to answer it.
  10. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    This is the problem with Liberalism. It atomizes man within the mythological origin story of the state of nature, and from that point can see no Good apart from prevention of transgression of individual property. It throws men and women into a lawless revolution against reality itself. The...
  11. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    Hegel was trying to capture the spirit of the liberal revolution that was spreading over the world from America and France and others, about how this revolutionary faith splitting away from the monarchical hierarchy, represented the world transcending into a new age of spirituality. This is...
  12. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    The American revolution and the US constitution are products of the liberal faith of the Enlightenment era. Today's "woke" liberals simply see them as stepping stones towards a greater expression of liberation. Both the woke liberals and your average conservative Evangelical agree in their...
  13. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    I'm referring to classical Liberals - people who venerate individual liberty and believe documents like the Declaration of Independence are sacred. The Battle Hymn marks a particular moment when the United States government is considered to be marching as God's warrior in the world. This is...
  14. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    Christians have had that freedom for 2000 years. You didn't win it in the American revolution, and today you could easily lose your livelihood for expressing the 'intolerant' parts of the New Testament. Well to varying degrees, you are indeed forced to abide by the Liberal faith. This places...
  15. L

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    Well, as far as a modern American Evangelical, it's someone who believes the American revolution, the U.S. Constitution, and republicanism, democracy, and Liberalism represent God's liberation of humanity from tyranny.. Evangelicals actually do believe in a liberal or progressive form of...