Recent content by Liam Hayden

  1. Liam Hayden

    "Electoral contest results in this Commonwealth is in dispute": Pennsylvania House, Draft Resolution

    Except in this case the Constitution of the United states specifically grants the power over each state's electors to the legislature AND in PA the Executives unilaterally changed those laws, which is illegal and unconstitutional. This happened in Georgia and Michigan, too, and if they both...
  2. Liam Hayden

    Sola Scriptura; Helpful information; Teaching

    "Is God not powerful enough to do the impossible." God can do anything that is logically possible. If it is a logically impossible, a contradiction, then no. For example, "Can God make a stone so big that even He cannot move it?" Of course not. He is all-powerful, and all power cannot be...
  3. Liam Hayden

    Georgia completes election ballot hand recount!

    Some pretty massive abnormalities still. In a normal election 1% to 3% of mail-in ballots are rejected. This year in ALL of the Battlegrounds, despite millions more people with no experience in mail-in voting doing so, the rejection % dropped ridiculously. This makes no sense unless the...
  4. Liam Hayden

    Georgia completes election ballot hand recount!

    The outgoing Obama Administration began a farcical investigation based upon what it knew was faulty intel that crippled the Trump Administration for the first three years.
  5. Liam Hayden

    Georgia completes election ballot hand recount!

    I am wondering why David Perdue did not ask for the same. He was within a few hundred votes of 50% and with Trump's increase due to discovered ballots probably would have passed that threshold.
  6. Liam Hayden

    God permits evil because we need to know

    Joseph in Genesis 50:20, “You meant evil against me, but God used it for good.” One problem is that what we call evil is, from God perspective, used for good. Another issue could be that, without evil, God's great attributes of justice, grace, and mercy would not be exhibited.
  7. Liam Hayden

    Is God omnipotent and controls everything?

    Simply, if God were not omnipotent then that one whatever that is outside his control could overthrow everything.
  8. Liam Hayden

    Calvinism and Abortion

    Westboro are hyper-Calvinists, which is a misnomer because they go beyond Calvin or any of the Reformers. Then again, they are really just a hate group that (mis)uses Scripture to attack others, so they can rightly be judges as a heretical cult.
  9. Liam Hayden

    Do you care about people of other religious faiths?

    I care. I also assume that mine is correct in the essentials otherwise I wouldn't believe it. And being narrow-minded when the Savior says there is only one way is just logical.
  10. Liam Hayden

    All things

    "This is impossible in Calvinism - for the elect, who Jesus came for, to resist and reject salvation - yet they did just that:" Oh, the fallacy of equivocation of meaning. When the Reformed speak of The Elect they are referring to those of whom Jesus spoke of in John 6:44 "No one can come to...
  11. Liam Hayden

    Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD.: computer algorithm was likely used to transfer 69,000 votes (Michigan

    I don't care about his credentials or his past. What is the actual evidence?
  12. Liam Hayden

    God cannot grant faith

    This is simply the fallacy of equivocation of meaning. When Christians say, "God grants faith." we mean saving faith, not anything else. Saving faith can only come from God.
  13. Liam Hayden

    Is NOSAS compatible with Amil?

    Of course it is. A view of salvation and of eschatology are not necessarily connected. Amil has been the dominant view within the RCC and Eastern Orthodox Traditions, both of which teach that salvation can be lost. Among OSAS like Presbyterians, we have views that include everything from...
  14. Liam Hayden

    Catholics for Abortion

    Catholics for Choice? Well, I can park my derriere in a garage and call myself a Corvette but that doesn't make it true.
  15. Liam Hayden

    Voting machines installed new in 2020 causing errors

    Well it wouldn't be very difficult to write an algorithm that would add X straight Democratic ballots for every Y number of Biden votes.