Recent content by Leaf473

  1. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Right, we don't want the compromise truth, but neither do we want to have divisions.
  2. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Right, that one church has always been around. And we don't want to cause division in that one church, the one body of Christ. We probably agree on that, yes? How does a person become part of that one Church, in your view?
  3. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Hey, @Gary K :heart: Did you want to talk about the church that Jesus built? Like, did it stop existing between Acts 2 and now? I think the church has always been around since that day of Pentecost.
  4. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Amen :heart: I do not insist that. As you say, it isn't true. Amen to the scripture! To the law and to the testimony! I also like this passage, Peace be with you, my man!
  5. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Right, we agree that God is ruling. I think he then forces or coerces nations to sometimes do things they might not otherwise do. and As I read...
  6. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Also, @Gary K my brother, please talk about this Why was Nebuchadnezzar going to be driven away from mankind?
  7. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Yes, praise God for his love! How does this fit with what you're saying?
  8. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    I hear what you're saying, and thanks for bringing that up :heart: It's just like it says here And we also know that God is love! At...
  9. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Yes, sometimes :heart: That's how it looks to me. I think we agree there, God does come to the defense of his people! Great point...
  10. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    I think God can rule by force. Does he do it all the time? No. "Hooks in your jaws". I believe that would be an example of ruling by force. God said to the ruler of Assyria...
  11. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Maybe we mean something different about rule by force, Gary my man I think this is an example of ruling by force
  12. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    What is the misapprehension about God that you want to discuss?
  13. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    It's what I'm interested in talking about :heart:
  14. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Is it in line with the issue of ?
  15. Leaf473

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Jesus is the ruler of the world, he doesn't always exercise his power :heart: Please let me know when you'd like to talk about Christ as head of the church, and whether that church stopped existing on the Earth some...