Recent content by Ken Behrens

  1. Ken Behrens

    Spiritual warfare prayers/Binding and Loosing Prayers & complete names of demons/devils

    I don't mean to sound confrontational either. It depends if there is a spirit. To know this is the gift of discernment, which cessationists may or may not believe in. What I do is (unless told otherwise by the Holy Spirit inside me) is try to learn communication techniques to avoid such...
  2. Ken Behrens

    Spiritual warfare prayers/Binding and Loosing Prayers & complete names of demons/devils

    No one has. One post started getting close. Since the OP asked for such information explicitly, and it is dangerous even for a trained exorcist to know (and I know God has shown each of us some as we have done our ministries), I was trying to head off posting the information until I had time...
  3. Ken Behrens

    Spiritual warfare prayers/Binding and Loosing Prayers & complete names of demons/devils

    I am saying, "this is dangerous. Don't do this." Not this way. You need the direct connection with God that belief in the continuation of the gifts can bring you into, and even then, it requires some special training. If you wish to protect your family, use this: Col. 1:16 (which is a list...
  4. Ken Behrens

    Spiritual warfare prayers/Binding and Loosing Prayers & complete names of demons/devils

    It would be much ruder not to offer you an alternative. The use of these names has gotten many would-be exorcists possessed, and that is the reason I posted it. Also, be advised that there is a specific CF rule about posting details of such prayers. Christian Forum Rules | Christian Forums...
  5. Ken Behrens

    Spiritual warfare prayers/Binding and Loosing Prayers & complete names of demons/devils

    It is sad you are a cessationist. Those of us who have sought and use the gifts do not need such names. We have the authority of Christ and that is enough.
  6. Ken Behrens

    The church and history

    Everyone did this, in their turn, when they were in charge. For the first time in human history (that we know of) Internet provides a censorship free environment where anyone can say anything at a minimal cost. And yet, now we find so much false information (like the recent US elections)...
  7. Ken Behrens

    Questions on tongues

    We do not have exact English words for the various feelings you are trying to describe, and that makes it very difficult to answer you. 45 years experience tells me the best course of action is to start in a known tongue (English) and repeat over and over if you must, something like "Praise...
  8. Ken Behrens

    Ghosts are actually demons

    I have responded to your PM.
  9. Ken Behrens

    Ghosts are actually demons

    Depends on your definition of demon. Going by Liddell and Scott for the definition of daimon (the NT source word), and the scientific evidence of ghosts, they are technically pictures of demons.
  10. Ken Behrens

    Do we have to?

    In the Book of Revelation, the singing multitudes visions are loosely based on the processions from the Feast of Tabernacles. That is where the standing motif comes from. Us old folks sit all the time. No one cares.
  11. Ken Behrens

    Outcomes of gender inequality

    It may almost be worth a separate thread to discuss the perceptions of non-denom churches around the world. I am certain that you are correct about the situation in Australia, as certain as that I am correct that in America non-denoms have almost become the norm for people under 30, and rank...
  12. Ken Behrens

    Outcomes of gender inequality

    Since you are from Australia, I assume this is an Australian case? Thanks for letting us know. I have not heard of any such publicized cases in America, although I know many pastors privately, and I have heard of unpublicized ones. This certainly reflects on the difference between the...
  13. Ken Behrens

    What was Adam doing when Eve was taking the apple?

    She had asked him to measure the ingredients for a pie shell for dessert that night. Seriously, he was talking to God. Later, he had a choice of two voices.
  14. Ken Behrens

    What is the Significance of the Communion Bread/Wafer?

    The original meaning is in Passover. The bread was the afikomen and the wine is the third cup (of redemption) (see the Messianic Jewish Haggadah's (e.g. Passover Seder Dinner - Messianic Haggadah) for Passover, for the Scriptures and their understanding. Both Greek and Latin originals use...
  15. Ken Behrens

    Self proclaimed prophet

    He calls himself a prophet. What does God call Him? Didache ch. 11, especially verse 8 is how the early church did it. ~The Didache~ "But not everyone who speaks in a spirit is a prophet, except he have the behaviour of the Lord. From his behaviour, then, the false prophet and the true...