Recent content by Kees Boer

  1. Kees Boer

    Nuria: The Extraordinary Story You Won't Believe

    This is Nuria telling her amazing story in English! I'm so impressed with her knowing this little girl when she was just five years old to now, a young lady teaching her groups how to read Biblical Hebrew! The reads the Bible daily and shares the Gospel with thousands upon thousands of people!
  2. Kees Boer

    Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit

    The Bible is taken out of context all over the place. Just recently I heard of a State Governor that used the Bible, specifically Jesus' Words to prove that women could get abortions. It was totally out of context. Of course 1Tonne pointed out, James 2 is also ripped out of context. One thing we...
  3. Kees Boer

    Basics of the Bible, that many don't know

    What is the Bible? Where It Came From & What's In It. This short video will provide an overview to look at the Bible as the original readers would have looked at it. If you have read the Bible for years or you just got started, this is the video to watch!
  4. Kees Boer

    Do you have the Holy Spirit? Do you have the Gift of tongues?

    Thank you so much! We love singing Scripture Songs. The very Words of God Himself!
  5. Kees Boer

    You will never Forget, You Saw this Video! (It took me 50 years before finding out)

    Yes, so repentance is a change of mind, if the Greek is METANOIA. There are several words in the Scriptures that were translated "repent." The danger with translating it like that is that the English reader assumes that it's all the same word and the same meaning. And then the English...
  6. Kees Boer

    Do you have the Holy Spirit? Do you have the Gift of tongues?

    Yes, people think that they hear still small voices.... The Hebrew there actually means: "A total silence." (The type of silence that would be very uncomfortable. I made a video on that. Click it below.
  7. Kees Boer

    You will never Forget, You Saw this Video! (It took me 50 years before finding out)

    You are perfectly describing discipleship. Luke 6:40
  8. Kees Boer

    You will never Forget, You Saw this Video! (It took me 50 years before finding out)

    I taught Trigonometry, so I appreciate the 180. I've heard the 360 many times. But there is a big secret that I discovered about repentance just recently. It took me 50 years! It's in the short video!
  9. Kees Boer

    Do you have the Holy Spirit? Do you have the Gift of tongues?

    Yes, and the promise is in Acts 2:47.... And the Lord added to their midst daily those who were being saved. It can happen again. We sing this Song here in South America. We went to the studio and recorded it. You can download it. Acts. 2:42, 47...
  10. Kees Boer

    The consequences of not doing evangelism in public

    We have been sharing the Gospel with everyone that we talk with. Then as soon as they get saved, we make a list of their friends and family and we teach them how to share the Gospel with others. We've seen about 25,000 trust Christ as Savior that way... But yes, we can not live our lives as if...
  11. Kees Boer

    How to do Missionary Work according to The Good Shepherd.

    Thank you so much, Bond servant! Hey, I almost played a Bond villain in a Bond film. But I'm a missionary instead!