
Early Childhood Professional, I teach Preschool. Children's Ministry/ Children's Church Team Coordinator. Animal lover. Married 20 years to the most wonderful man in the world with 3 beautiful children, 2 fantastic dogs named Sandy & Misty and 2 cats, Elijah & Squeekers.

Floral Design, Volunteering at the local animal shelter.

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Substitute Early Childhood Teacher
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John R. Rice once wrote, "I once imagined I was in Heaven, walking along with the Angel Gabriel. I said, "Gabe, what is that big building over there?"

"You'll be disappointed," he answered. "I don't think you want to see it." But I insisted, and he proceeded to show me floor after floor of beautiful gifts, all wrapped and ready to be sent.

"Gabriel, what are all of these?"

He said, I thought rather sadly, "We wrapped all these things, but people never called for them."

There are gifts and an abundance of blessings to be received from heaven -- but we need to claim them as our own! We receive not because we've asked not.

When we ask the Lord in humility and expectation for His goodness, He will answer! Then we'll be better equipped to do the great things He has in store for us.