Recent content by Joshua119

  1. Joshua119

    Exiled Christian

    Thanks again for all the information. I'm glad to know that the Apostle's creed, and the Nicene creed as well, have some value to the Presbyterian church. I know that many protestant churches don't use them much anymore, but I find them to be important statements of faith. I like how you say...
  2. Joshua119

    Exiled Christian

    Thank you for being willing to do some research for me. From their website they seem to be quite active, with lots of ministries, which is good. My wife and I both deeply desire to be involved in a church community, as long as they want us. I live in Ga now but I grew up in Maine, and as you...
  3. Joshua119

    Exiled Christian

    Thank you for such an informative post. The church is Roswell Presbyterian Church in Roswell, Ga. So far I know that they are PCUSA and that they have ordained women there (I cannot overstate how happy my wife is about this.) I know that there will be some culture shock, but I've read that the...
  4. Joshua119

    Exiled Christian

    It's a PCUSA church. I live just north of Atlanta, Ga, and they seem to be the only Presbyterian denomination in the area. I actually wasn't aware that there were different styles of Presbyterians until I began researching Presbyterianism as a whole. Thank you Catherineanne for your kind words.
  5. Joshua119

    Exiled Christian

    This is part of what hurt us so badly. We didn't cohabitate and courted properly (as the RCC defines it), so we felt like we were doing things right. Plus, we had been assured by a Deacon that the circumstances of the previous marriage would warrant an annulment, but the Archdiocese obviously...
  6. Joshua119

    Exiled Christian

    Thank you for the kind words :) I was feeling pretty downtrodden when I made the op, but I am feeling much more invigorated thanks to the two responses that I have received.
  7. Joshua119

    Exiled Christian

    Thank you for the response. We both know that divorce isn't something to be flaunted proudly, but we were both very hurt by the judgment that we received for a mistake that she made ten years ago. As you say, I have heard that many Catholics who leave the Roman church head to the Presbyterian...
  8. Joshua119

    Exiled Christian

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this. My wife and I have recently left the Catholic church because they will not validate our marriage. She was married to another man for about two months a decade ago, but the church has ruled that to be the valid marriage, and not ours...