Recent content by Jordan Schmitt

  1. J

    Autobiography recommendations

    Haha no I Don't have an interesting enough life to write one that people would actually read
  2. J

    Are you cold?

  3. J

    Are You Kidding Me?

    Haha for real
  4. J


    My grandson is really into Drake. I've never really been a fan of rap music, and I was wondering if anybody knows much about it. Should I be concerned about what my grandson is listening to?
  5. J

    Autobiography recommendations

    I need some recommendations for a good autobiography to read. Open to anything/any author really.
  6. J

    Are you cold?

    If you ever get cold, stand in the corner of a room for a while. They're usually 90 degrees.
  7. J

    Clubs in Miami?

    Anybody know of any good Christian clubs in the Miami area?
  8. J

    Are You Kidding Me?

    Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "And what starting salary are you looking for?" The engineer replies, "In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package." The...
  9. J

    Pray for my son

    I ask that everyone please pray for my son. He is currently having a difficult time overcoming a drug addiction, and it pains me to see the toll it has taken on his body and on his life.
  10. J

    55+ Communities

    Anybody who lives or has lived in a 55+ community, would you recommend it? My husband and I are going to be moving closer to our kids soon, and we're not sure if a 55+ community is the right choice for us.
  11. J

    No more free wifi

    "I’ve always thought my neighbors were quite nice people. But then they put a password on their Wi-Fi." This is so relatable lol!
  12. J

    Glass Half Full

    Optimist: The glass is half full. Pessimist: The glass is half empty. Mother: Why didn’t you use a coaster!
  13. J

    Looking to get a safe car for my daughter

    My husband and I are looking to buy a car for our daughter for her 18th birthday. We want to buy a car that she will be very safe in but is also very reliable and will last a long time. Anybody have any recommendations on safe cars that are good for teenager drivers?
  14. J

    Please pray for my grandson

    My grandson is going to be starting the second grade this fall. Up until this point, he has been home schooled by his mother, but now his parents have decided to enroll him in public school. It's a great school with a very caring staff for special needs children, but I am just worried for him...