Recent content by JonathanBeWell

  1. J

    "How do you become a Christian?"

    “How do you become a Christian (in words/terms understandable to an unbeliever)?” To become a Christian, one should believe in the highest, ultimate power and name called God. One’s belief of God should be according to the Holy Bible. God should be perceived as purely good, perfect and without...
  2. J

    "How has becoming a Christian made a difference in your life?"

    “How has becoming a Christian made a difference in my life?” By becoming a Christian, I have been enabled and empowered to repent from much sin, plus given the desire to continue to do so. I have been given hope with freedom from a dark past and a bright future now, since conversion and beyond...
  3. J


    Time has got stuck on the run. Time is pressuring to get things done. Time is burning down to the wire. Time is burning all refining fire. Time to be now all we should. Time to search He Who is good. Time to kneel on floor plant face. Time to finish the human race. Time to revamp...
  4. J


    Holy Spirit wash over me. Prince of peace calm surged sea. Armed armada keep at bay. Sail us home along God’s Way. Shimmer water with Lord’s light. Glimmer daughters Zion height. Land ho, the promised land to see; Held dear dreamt reality. Christ to reign hearts, here on Earth. Row hard...