Recent content by JohnB445

  1. JohnB445

    Buying already prepared food vs cooking them

    I have bought Dutch Farms hardboiled eggs, they come in a sealed package and refrigerated lasts about 2 months, I then buy a 1 1/2 a cup of cut fruits. I am having this every day for breakfast. Other than the added costs, what am I potentially missing out on or even end up risking by buying...
  2. JohnB445

    We need to come up with solutions fast to the growing crime problem in America.

    What can Americans do to help solve the rapid growing crime problem? It only gets worse, and public safety has been compromised.
  3. JohnB445

    What are some things God wants Christians to do?

    No vague answers please, do you know what God exactly expects of Christians, and what he wants them to do?
  4. JohnB445

    What can we agree is improving in this country?

    What is something many of us can agree on?
  5. JohnB445

    What information does the Bible give us about what hell is like?

    The Bible makes it clear that no amount of works can satisfy God, and that he requires belief in him. So does a man who many would say lived a moral life, helped others, and donated his life savings, but wasn't a believer in Jesus be burning in hell just as badly as Hitler would? I have heard...
  6. JohnB445

    What are some unique doctrines that a denomination holds that makes them distinct from others?

    There are many similarities between Christian denominations, the purpose of this thread is to help expand knowledge of distinct doctrines of each denomination that makes them different to others. These distinct doctrines will typically only be found within a particular denomination only or a...
  7. JohnB445

    In a rare scenario, if a Christian were to be falsely imprisoned and beaten, should they confess to something they didn't do to stop the beating?

    There are actual real cases of this, in which they are later found innocent. Where are Christians to stand on this? Because they are lying when they say they are guilty in order to stop the beatings, but I do understand that they want the beating to stop. Should they tell the truth always...
  8. JohnB445

    Do we have any real examples of Born Again Christians falling away from the faith forever never to return?

    Every single story I hear goes something like this. Someone grew up in a family that was religious, they went to Church and did Church activities, they never took it seriously or wanted to go to Church but went because their family made them, and now as they got older, they no longer go. So now...
  9. JohnB445

    Some people believe in a works based salvation

    So what happens to the person who believes a faith based salvation, but lives a Holy righteous life, and repented of every sin and died in a sinless state? Can a sinless state be achieved? Does the person who believed that works had nothing to do with going to heaven not make it, or is that...
  10. JohnB445

    Are you supposed to forgive someone who you don't know if they repented or not?

    And what about those who have not repented. Or have not reached out to you for forgiveness. Are we supposed to forgive them?
  11. JohnB445

    If a man or woman is not a virgin what are they not allowed to do now according to the Bible?

    Must they now remain celibate now for the remainder of their life and never marry? I am getting mixed answers when looking for this online. What does the Bible conclude? Statistics now show that the vast majority of people are not virgins before marriage.
  12. JohnB445

    How long do you believe cars can go without a new oil change?

    According to sources, newer cars can go 10,000 miles between oil changes using synthetic oil. Would you agree or think thats too high? Some people change it at 5,000 miles or even 3,000 miles.
  13. JohnB445

    What do you think is important for a Christian to figure out about the God and the Bible?

    I believe Salvation is by far the most important, and also knowing who God is, and how God is. The Trinity. After that I believe it is important that a Christian should know what is sin and what is not, and to live a Godly life according to God's rules. Then they should learn about the end times...
  14. JohnB445

    Do you believe fornication should be illegal?

    Yes or No. Looking for a discussion here, where Christians share their views on the matter. Some things to note are. 1. How will this benefit society? 2. Is this something God would want? 3. What risks will be eliminated?