Recent content by JesusIsMyTicket

  1. JesusIsMyTicket

    BPD: Struggles with Self

    praying for you.
  2. JesusIsMyTicket

    Hug Thread 2017

    *huggle* for everyone
  3. JesusIsMyTicket

    What controversial beliefs do you hold?

    clicked ordination of women and same-sex relationships are not sinful.
  4. JesusIsMyTicket

    going backwards...

    I get so upset with myself at times like this. I go months without self harming and then everything hits me like a ton of bricks. I end up relapsing. consistently relapse for weeks on end before managing to stop again. My normal coping mechanisms feel undoable because of my headspace. I often...
  5. JesusIsMyTicket

    Personality types

    I don't think there is a Biblical backing but I think it can be amusing and interesting to see them. I am an ESFJ, and a lot of that fits me really well.
  6. JesusIsMyTicket

    distressed about faith and if i belong here

    I will be praying for you. I know at least my denomination seems to be open to the LGBT community. I am panromantic and struggle with that kinda stuff sometimes. Hope you stay well.
  7. JesusIsMyTicket

    Is it Ok to pray for future sins?

    *sigh* kind of sad everyone made this a joke. While I think it is a bit odd to go "erm so God I'm gonna sin tomorrow forgive me then too so I sin less!" but I think your heart is in the right place. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God as long as we are on this earth. I do think it is...
  8. JesusIsMyTicket

    please help.. how to deal with death

    Well...I am certainly not here to just say he is in a better place. Not due to a non-religious thing, I just know when my oldest brother passed away it did not console me, I still wanted him with us. The cliche statement of "time heals" is a very true thing...the thing is... Don't expect it to...
  9. JesusIsMyTicket

    Any issues from childhood that still affect you today?

    I actually don't have any blame to put on my parents. They've practiced tough love on some things but it made me a better person at least. My problem more came from peer group judgment, and an emotionally abusive relationship.
  10. JesusIsMyTicket

    How to not be defined by mental illness

    thank you for sharing this. I think that is something I really struggle with there. I don't want to bother people with my negative headspace so I tend to just act like it isn't happening. Mask it off, so no one really knows about it. ):
  11. JesusIsMyTicket

    How to not be defined by mental illness

    It did not exactly come easily. It just kind of happened. I was intending to commit suicide but walked to an ER at 3 AM instead. Me and God got REAL close right then. I tell no jokes here, I was crying out that I didn't know what to do anymore. I will pray some of that eases for you. <3
  12. JesusIsMyTicket

    Are all Christians Christian?

    an elaboration for him moreless. Jesus was actually a Jew. Christian was not really a real faith until Jesus DID die for us, then the followers were called "Christians" :)
  13. JesusIsMyTicket

    Are all Christians Christian?

    The Bible sincerely warns us to beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is true some people claim to be Christian and show otherwise. Nonetheless, it is between them and God what is the truth, but we should also be cautious.
  14. JesusIsMyTicket

    How to not be defined by mental illness

    So, I am a college student, and in my social work 101 class today, they had guest speakers from NAMI. Both of the speakers mentioned their stories and struggles with mental illness and management. I mean, it was emotionally hard for me to hear them discuss such dark times, but also as they...