Recent content by Jere209

  1. Jere209

    daughter depressed and not eating much

    Hi Janny.. How old is your daughter? How long has it been that she's been depressed, and not eating? I will be praying for your daughter..and for you. I know how it is. I have a 17 year old that was diagnosed with an eating disorder the end of March. It has been rough, but we're managing...
  2. Jere209

    Child getting over parents' divorce

    :hug: That should not have happened. I am sorry it did.
  3. Jere209

    Child getting over parents' divorce

    :wave: Hi there.. I am sorry your little one has been crying about this. :hug: However, I think (like the other poster mentioned) someone has said something to her, or it's come up at school. Kids can be kind of mean these days, and they could have said something that hurt her feelings. Two...
  4. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    This is nothing except a "doctrine" for a thinly disguised veil of racism. :(
  5. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    I think I will state that I I believe the infallible Word of God and that creation happened by Him. All else is heresy.
  6. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    Have you any thoughts on this, YST?
  7. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    I look forward to it :) have a nice evening
  8. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    Goodness. I know I descended from Adam.
  9. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    ok..To begin with, this is my understanding of the Serpent Seed theory.. I am familiar with the Pre-Adamic race, and the Nephilum however, not this one. I am now though! William Branham taught a version of the original sin that was highly unorthodox and which is referred to by his followers as...
  10. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    Getting ready to answer this. I've had kids to pick up from school and usher to appts. Now I am home, settled in my recliner, and now I can finally post what has me speechless.
  11. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    I've been reading and exegeting today, and have to say I am a bit surprised.. To believe this serpent seed theory (can't call it a doctrine) is blasphemous. :(
  12. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    What bible are you reading YST? Edit to add "what version as well"
  13. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    Not everything recorded in the Book of Genesis is written in an exact chronological order. The events of Genesis eleven (the Tower of Babel) happened in the middle of chapter 10, chronologically speaking –Genesis 5:4 states, "Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight...
  14. Jere209

    Was There a Pre-Adamic Race?

    Goodness..y'all are up
  15. Jere209

    Books That Could of Been in the Bible? (Question)

    :thumbsup: Good answer :)