Recent content by jdcastro1972

  1. jdcastro1972

    Where did the past 20 years go?

    I don't know where the years went. 51, never had a gf, never married, living in a nice house with no mortgage. Not sure if that's all a good thing but it is what it is.
  2. jdcastro1972

    One Quarter of 40-Year-Olds Have Never Married

    Never had a girlfriend. Never got married. Now 51 and knocking about in a nice semi-detached house with 3 bedrooms and no mortgage :). I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. However, it is what it is.
  3. jdcastro1972

    I think I'm unregnerate, reprobate, vessel of wrath, despairing, tried all I can think of

    I really think the best thing is just to forget it all, and read the Bible now and again when you feel like it.
  4. jdcastro1972

    Ancient Humans Made Expeditions to This 750,000-Year-Old Workshop

    You'd have to go back over 60 million years, when there were no humans around!
  5. jdcastro1972

    If God is sovereign how can man have free will?

    But nobody can "accept Christ" without God working in them. Everyone is lost by default.
  6. jdcastro1972

    Men listening to women teach the Bible!

    Then what about the scripture which says women should not preach in church because of the created order, nothing to do with the "conditions at the time". 1 Tim 2 v 11 - 14.
  7. jdcastro1972

    If God is sovereign how can man have free will?

    Right, but since only God can provide one with a transformed heart then you can't lay the blame on the unbeliever for not being saved.
  8. jdcastro1972

    I am starting to hate free will

    There is no such thing as "free will".
  9. jdcastro1972

    I think I'm unregnerate, reprobate, vessel of wrath, despairing, tried all I can think of

    Only God can have the final word, so never write yourself off.
  10. jdcastro1972

    Goodbye CF

    Only God has the final word. So whatever you think or feel, you cannot exclude yourself.
  11. jdcastro1972

    Not a believer, I think I committed the unpardonable sin.

    Only God has the final word. So nobody should exclude themselves in this life, despite their experiences or actions.
  12. jdcastro1972

    Hardened heart reversed

    Unless God changes and softens hearts, nobody would be saved. That's your answer.
  13. jdcastro1972

    If God is sovereign how can man have free will?

    "Free will" means you are at liberty to do what you desire. It doesn't mean you are ABLE in any way to come to God or convert yourself. The problem at this point is to do with morality, not freedom in a philosophical sense. That's why there's no contradiction between predestination and "free will".
  14. jdcastro1972

    What is the difference between Fundamentalist and Conservative?

    Fundamentalists often subscribe to unscientific and irrational beliefs, like young-earth creationism or kjv-onylism.