Recent content by Jan001

  1. Jan001

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    The Book of Revelation was written in the mid-60s AD. John was told to go forth and measure the temple. The temple had to have been still standing in Jerusalem in order for him to do this. Revelation 11:1-2 I was next given a staff to use as a measuring rod, and I was told, “Go forth and...
  2. Jan001

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    I think the power of Jesus' death on the cross is what caused the chaining of the devil Satan in the abyss; Michael chained him. However, there is more than one devil. One-third of the angels fell from grace. These fallen angels are devils—evil spirits. Satan is their leader. Revelation 20:2...
  3. Jan001

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    The "a thousand year " reign is happening right now. It is the time period between Jesus' death, resurrection, ascension into heaven, and his second coming. This "a thousand" years is symbolic. It is not literal. The saints are reigning with Jesus in heaven right now. Revelation 4:4 · Around...
  4. Jan001

    Mystery Babylon

    You have your opinion. Not everyone agrees with you. Revelation 17:9 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings: MOUNCE I think it was seven Caesars. The Book of Revelation was written during the reign of Nero, the...
  5. Jan001

    Mystery Babylon

    The cities of Jerusalem and pagan Rome were both literally associated with seven mountains. Yes, it can also mean seven kings. The Book of Revelation is mostly about God's relationship with the Jews. Jerusalem was compared to Babylon in the book of Revelation. Jerusalem was also compared to...
  6. Jan001

    Mystery Babylon

    The prominent Jews were wealthy. Their seaport/harbor was Jaffa-Joppa. The Jews imported many things from foreign countries which made these foreign merchants wealthy. The Jews provided their own goods to sell to these foreign merchants, who then re-sold them to others. The smoke from the...
  7. Jan001

    Mystery Babylon

    Jerusalem (Judaism) was the spiritual ruler of the known world at that time. The Book of Revelation was written in the 60s AD, so it was in the present tense. Jerusalem was still standing. The Romans mostly left the Jews alone. Jesus blamed Jerusalem for the killing of the prophets. Jesus was...
  8. Jan001

    True and False Democracy in the Catholic Church

    I pray that Pope Francis will receive his own Saul to Paul encounter with our Lord Jesus! Our bishops need this as well. It is said that "the floor of hell is paved with the skulls of evil, unrepentant bishops and priests." Lord, please grant us many, many holy bishops, priests, and religious...
  9. Jan001

    Is the Catholic Church the Harlot of Babylon?

    The harlot was Jerusalem. The beast was pagan Rome. The man of sin/antichrist was Caesar Nero, 666. Revelation 17:5 On her (harlot Jerusalem's) forehead was written a mysterious name: “Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and of every abomination on the earth.” Revelation 17:16 The ten...
  10. Jan001

    Do the scriptures reveal there will be two different raptures for the saints?

    The prophecies in the Book of Daniel were fulfilled in the first century AD. The 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled in the first century AD. Matthew 24:15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader...
  11. Jan001

    Do the scriptures reveal there will be two different raptures for the saints?

    Jesus comes to earth only two times. The first time was when he was incarnated. The second time will be at the last trumpet. Hebrews 9:28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are...
  12. Jan001

    Do the scriptures reveal there will be two different raptures for the saints?

    Jesus appears bodily on earth two times. That is all. He will appear the second time, with the clouds accompanying him, which is the same way he left. Jesus appeared the first time, 2000 years ago, to die so that our sins could be forgiven. Jesus will appear a second time, at the end of time...
  13. Jan001

    The Rapture theory is true?

    A thousand does not necessarily mean a literal one thousand. Psalm 50:10 for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. Gods owns all the cattle on all the hills. He does not just own the cattle on a literal one thousand hills. I only need to show you one example...
  14. Jan001

    The Rapture theory is true?

    I see what you mean, though it makes no difference. How many generations did the first covenant last? Did it last a thousand generations? 1 Chronicles 16:15 He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations, Jesus implied that a generation lasted 40 years...
  15. Jan001

    The Rapture theory is true?

    Peter knew that the Gentiles were to be saved before Paul was commissioned. It was already the last days when Peter was preaching on earth. God did not suspend time. The 70th week immediately followed the 69th week, just the same as the 69th week immediately followed the 68th week. Acts 2:14-21...