Recent content by Jacob Jilg

  1. Jacob Jilg

    Cliche Question (Easter Season)

    If the resurrection was a good thing, why was the crucifixion a bad thing? Like into detail the phrase died for our sins, the resurrection made him or savior or however you put it. The crucifixion was an ugly thing indeed, but then is that to not celebrate it?
  2. Jacob Jilg

    The Excuse Game

    TV is dumb + bad for you, and I'm obviously in a different state. Make a command for me. I'm a follower, not a leader.
  3. Jacob Jilg

    First Video Game?

    Atari 2600. the game was _____ had tanks and planes. shoot eachother for points and make em spin around. First NES. Mario 3 that came packaged in the box. First AppleII game Hard Hat Mack First PC game was Worlds of ZZT I also don't trust my memory to be 100% correct on any of these, because...
  4. Jacob Jilg

    Tell me what is on your mind

    I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time on the internet and I'm wrecking my body.
  5. Jacob Jilg

    Silly/Cute things you have asked God for!!

    If I should die before I wake. I realized in high school I had memorized a version from a baby angel motivational poster above my crib, that replaced it with "Guide me through this starry night. And wake me up with morning light."
  6. Jacob Jilg

    Puny Poll

    it's easier than picking 30 offices in 2016
  7. Jacob Jilg

    Why Did You Click On This???

    I do things almost always automatically. There is no reason for any of my behavior online.
  8. Jacob Jilg

    ABC'S of types of PIE

    fruit pies
  9. Jacob Jilg

    things not to put on pizza... (8)

  10. Jacob Jilg

    You have a right to chemical cohesion, a sane expectation is all you need

    It's not just damaging to my cohesion or whatever, but it's also damning to my overall wellness. My mental illness used to give me a hummingbird like energy that made it fun to constantly work out. I'm a potato on this shot. The meds already have weight gain as a side effect, but there is even...
  11. Jacob Jilg

    What time is it??? (9)

    2:56am dang gotta bed it... g'nite!
  12. Jacob Jilg

    Do you feel young or old?

    A kid online said I was over the hill when I was 21. I told my dad that I'm middle-aged now that I'm 30 and he just laughed at me.
  13. Jacob Jilg

    Left Out

    Jesus was in his 30's. If you ask me that's the biggest group in church, lol.
  14. Jacob Jilg

    Debatable topics

    If the thread got closed (I wouldn't know), but to me it seems like it would have been more of an immature back and forth than a heated debate. My advice for a good debate is to deeply scan/think their fallacies (If you were in a debate with me your easiest find would be a fallacy of logic) and...