Recent content by IloveJesus-Ly

  1. IloveJesus-Ly

    I need help with overcoming temptation

    Yes I have asked God for help with it.
  2. IloveJesus-Ly

    I need help with overcoming temptation

    The bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." Why is it that I cannot overcome my porn addiction? Its a sin I cannot seem to...
  3. IloveJesus-Ly

    Name one thing you are thankful for today.

    Praise to the most high God!
  4. IloveJesus-Ly

    Name one thing you are thankful for today.

    Glory to God. The Alpha The Omega, The Beginning and The End. Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace..:clap::amen:
  5. IloveJesus-Ly

    Name one thing you are thankful for today.

    I am thankful father that you have made man in your image. I sincerely love everyone here and all of my brethen in the world. Give us strength Lord to resist sin and temption. Amen.
  6. IloveJesus-Ly

    The battle is already won

    Just hold on guys and you will make it through. Trust God and he will take away your worries and fears. The King of world and the Ruler of the universe is with you!
  7. IloveJesus-Ly

    Name one thing you are thankful for today.

    Hallelujah to the lamb of God.
  8. IloveJesus-Ly

    Name one thing you are thankful for today.

    These are some very good things people are thankful for.
  9. IloveJesus-Ly

    Name one thing you are thankful for today.

    I wish the very best for you :)
  10. IloveJesus-Ly

    Name one thing you are thankful for today.

    Today I am thankful that God healed me both spiritualy and physically and has increased my ability to love and be kind to others. I love you guys.