Recent content by Icyspark

  1. Icyspark

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Hi Bob S, Nice try. You've already attempted to accuse me of writing something like this and I already challenged you to supply the evidence. I didn't write what you're accusing me of so why would I offer an apology? At this point you need to supply the proof or it's you that needs to apologize...
  2. Icyspark

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Hi Bob S, You should know this by now. :rolleyes: This is why making random comments without looking at the passage you're referring to isn't helpful to you or to anyone who reads your posts. So, let's take a look at the passage to which you are alluding and see if it has anything remotely to...
  3. Icyspark

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Hi BNR32FAN, Deuteronomy 4:13 He declared to you his covenant, the Ten Commandments, which he commanded you to follow and then wrote them on two stone tablets. Let's start with a question. How many commandments are in the Ten Commandment covenant? Deuteronomy 5:22 These are the commandments...
  4. Icyspark

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Hi Bob S, Have you ever seen the movie, "The Princess Bride"? If you have then maybe you're familiar with the part where Inigo Montoya responds to Vizzini's use of the word, "Inconceivable!" by saying, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." You use this...
  5. Icyspark

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Hi Bob S, Since this thread came back to the front page I was rereading some of the initial comments. I thought this comment in particular was entertaining in light of what you said on another thread: There were absolutely no absolution for breaking a law dealing with morality. Throughout the...
  6. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi BobRyan, I get what you're saying and mostly agree with it. I tend to believe in some form of the typical Adventist teaching that the "ceremonial" laws came to an end at the cross, although the word "ceremonial" is problematic in that it's not a term used in this context. So instead I...
  7. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi Bob S, So, you're admitting that you were never a Seventh-day Adventist? Got it. This illustrates the point above. If you were ever an Adventist then you would know that SDA dietary beliefs are derived from the first book of the Bible, not the last four of the Pentateuch...
  8. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi daq, I think you are probably sincere, but your position is so foreign to the narrative that it comes across as trolling. It appears to me that you're taking the square peg of a privately held belief and are attempting to force it into the circular hole of the narrative under discussion...
  9. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi Leaf473, It was not my intent to present "a complete approach to the law." I admit that I do not understand how every aspect of the law works. What I do know is that there was no problem with the law such that a new covenant had to be established. God "found fault with the people," not with...
  10. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi Leaf473, Based on the information laid out in the opening post and the fact that the commandments written on stone are inextricably attached to a numeral I'd say that this isn't likely. Consider a scenario. I am speaking to an audience which regularly plays board games and of the number of...
  11. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi Him, If I'm understanding you correctly I believe that I'm in basic agreement with much of what you're saying. I'd say that by looking into the law we see if we are clean or if we're dirty. The law/mirror reveals whether we're sinners. It doesn't do anything other than reveal our...
  12. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi Leaf473, If you'll examine the opening post again you'll see that the New Testament authors frequently are appealing to one or more of the Ten Commandments. When they do this do you believe that they are just randomly reaffirming one commandment at a time? Or rather, when they appeal to one...
  13. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi daq, You're not responding to the texts which actually addresses your issue. I can't help you if you're ignoring what Scripture actually says. Certainly there are recorded instances where God speaks through other beings. That doesn't help your premise here though since the context is clear...
  14. Icyspark

    The Ten vs the 603

    Hi daq, Um ... I don't really see any room for debate. The text makes it pretty clear who is God: Exodus 20:22 "GOD said to Moses, "Give this Message to the People of Israel: "You've experienced firsthand how I spoke with you from Heaven." It is apparent that Moses isn't speaking to himself...
  15. Icyspark

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Hi Leaf473, It seemed good to me to start a new thread which goes into great detail explaining the differences between the Ten and the 603. God bless! But for the grace of God go I,cyspark