Recent content by HIM

  1. HIM

    John 3:16 (Can John please clear up Kosmou(s) for us?)

    If that was so then we would recognize, if we confess, He is faithful. If we do not assent, then our sin is not sent, therefore taken away.
  2. HIM

    John 3:16 (Can John please clear up Kosmou(s) for us?)

    If we confess is what the text says. Not what you say. To often we go by a thus saith I contrary to what God has said. yes after you confess as 1Jo 1:9 says. The verse you are quoting is spoken with that in consideration. Take care
  3. HIM

    John 3:16 (Can John please clear up Kosmou(s) for us?)

    Context. this is before that. 1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we confess He will forgive is what the text states, So It is Conditional
  4. HIM

    John 3:16 (Can John please clear up Kosmou(s) for us?)

    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. It is Conditional
  5. HIM

    The Gift of Christ's Righteousness

    Within the same text Romans speaks that many shall be made righteous also. So we have Justification and sanctification. Even more so Hebrews speaks of Perfection. It says that we whom are sanctified are perfected forever. The Holy Spirit witnessed this coming perfection in that the Lord had...
  6. HIM

    The Gift of Christ's Righteousness

    What are the two Covenants? What is the difference between the Old and New?
  7. HIM

    Why do we receive Grace

    We receive grace and apostleship for obedience of faith. Obedience which is through the faith of Christ Jesus into all and upon all that believe. This faith establishes the law. It is the Law derived of faith. We do because of who we now are in Christ, not because we have to, but because we want...
  8. HIM

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    We receive grace and apostleship for obedience of faith. Obedience which is through the faith of Christ Jesus into all and upon all that believe. This faith establishes the law. It is the Law derived of faith. We do because of who we now are in Christ, not because we have to, but because we want...
  9. HIM

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    The law of liberty is the New Covenant. Our hearts and minds being changed by God’s spirit. Which enables us to walk in His laws and statutes as a new creation begotten by the word of truth. And if we are not walking, bearing fruit then we are not
  10. HIM

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Read the post.
  11. HIM

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    You haven’t posted anything in rebuttal. You mentioned 2 Cor 3.. So here we are. Prove what is posted is wrong
  12. HIM

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    We receive grace and apostleship for obedience of the faith. Obedience. which is through the faith of Christ Jesus into all and upon all that believe, This faith establishes the law. For the word is nigh unto us. In our hearts and mouths that we do it. That is the faith in which we preach. This...
  13. HIM

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    That is nowhere in the Bible
  14. HIM

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Amen Gary. We receive grace and apostleship for obedience of the faith. Obedience. which is through the faith of Christ Jesus into all and upon all that believe, This faith establishes the law. For the word is nigh unto us. In our hearts and mouths that we do it. That is the faith in which we...
  15. HIM

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    JP Green has translation based on the same manuscripts as the KJV. It is better.