Recent content by HandmaidenOfGod

  1. H

    Museum of Russian Icons

    Michael, you are completely missing my point here and jumping down my throat over nothing. I was trying to make a point that no one would want their ethnic heritage mislabeled. I know no one has ever mislabeled Austrian for German, but can you see my point how frustrating it would be if it were...
  2. H

    Orthodox, let's talk about our differences. (RCC)

    The irony is that the Papal Messenger had originally been sent to reconcile things between the East and West. Oops. ^_^ IMHO, (and of course I'm biased ;) ) to me the proof lies in who has changed in doctrine the most since the schism. The answer would be the Roman Catholic Church. The...
  3. H

    Museum of Russian Icons

    No, it is about wanting things to be labeled properly. As a person of German descent, would you want to be called an Austrian? Would you want the many contributions of the Germanic peoples throughout the centuries to be attributed to the Austro-Hungarian Empire? Of course not, nor should...
  4. H

    Joanna Krupa's PETA ad is pure sacrilege

    Perhaps it was Resurrected on the Old Calendar for Pascha?
  5. H

    Museum of Russian Icons

    True, but it lumps all of Slavic Iconography in one bucket (by the names of the icons mentioned) when you and I both know that there are distinctions among them. I am not blaming Sphinx for this, but rather the ignorant person who wrote the Wikipedia article. They probably made the assumption...
  6. H

    Orthodox, let's talk about our differences. (RCC)

    Simple. Go ask your Catholic priest. Show him the text. Ask him who put the Papal Bull of excommunication on who's altar and marched out? He will agree with +Bishop Kallistos. (BTW, the book was written before Timothy Ware converted from Anglicanism to Orthodoxy and became a Bishop in the...
  7. H

    Supposed closeness between Rome and Orthodoxy

    Awesomeness! A trip after the semester ends will definitely have to happen!
  8. H

    Supposed closeness between Rome and Orthodoxy

    Ah, well I'm glad we cleared that up. :)
  9. H

    Question about sacraments

    Hi Eirlysa! Welcome to the forum! :wave: As Cobweb has stated, the Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Albanian Orthodox, Bulgarian Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox, Polish Orthodox, and Finnish Orthodox Churches all fall under the umbrella of the Eastern Orthodox Church. There...
  10. H

    Museum of Russian Icons

    Sphinx, The problem with the Wikipedia article you posted is that it does not recognize the Ukrainian schools of Iconography, even though it mentions the baptism of Kiev-Rus. Rus is not Russian. Also, there are the Rusyns which live in the Carpathian Mountains, who were Christians before the...
  11. H

    Orthodox, let's talk about our differences. (RCC)

    Proof for what? I gave you several articles to read on several topics. Please be specific.
  12. H

    Museum of Russian Icons

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing! For those in the New York area, the Museum of Biblical Art will be having an exhibit beginning in June on Ukrainian Icons. Ukrainian Icons June 18 - September 12, 2010 Above: Virgin and Child, Monastery of the Caves, Ukraine This exhibition from the...
  13. H

    Supposed closeness between Rome and Orthodoxy

    It was not meant as a dig against Sicily, but more to quantify that different regions of Italy have different types of cuisine. The majority of the Italian cuisine that Americans know and love is from Sicily. Thus, if a person such as Michael were trying to experience something different...
  14. H

    favourite place to buy icons?

    Is that via airmail or by boat? The reason I ask is because my Grandmother sends packages to Poland and Ukraine twice a year by boat, and it's $.80 to $1.20 a pound. It takes about six weeks to get there, but still much cheaper than $500.00