Recent content by Handmaid for Jesus

  1. H

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    I agree with this to a point. Those of us who are Christians see the devolution of everything. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes. Soon.
  2. H

    Trump's Thoughts on Having a President on Trial

    You're gonna reap Just what you sow Whatever you plant Will surely grow What goes up Must come down What goes around Is coming back around
  3. H

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    I told y'all months ago. DJT is a roach motel. Crawl in with him and you can't crawl out. So you just stay there until inevitable suffocation.
  4. H

    Great Music from the 70's

    Let's dance in the moonlight
  5. H

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Maybe Elvis, Michael Jackson and Prince still live! As long as we are dreaming.:D
  6. H

    US pier constructed off Gaza has broken apart

    Prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. It is not going to be pretty. :sigh:
  7. H

    US pier constructed off Gaza has broken apart

    It is sad that nobody recognizes the hand of God. :(
  8. H

    My Parents do not Believe in the End Times (RESOLVED)

    Alex, Lord Jesus instructed the disciples to let no man deceive them. The world is full of deception and Lord Jesus said if it was possible even the elect would be deceived. Matt. 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:24 For there shall...
  9. H

    Who was Elijah ?

    We know because Elijah himself confessed his own mortality. Yes angels can look like men but they are not men. They are immortal, like we will become in the rapture/resurrection .
  10. H

    My Parents do not Believe in the End Times (RESOLVED)

    I think you have many good respponses in this thread and you do not need my two cents worth of suggestions. But I will give it anyway. :) I think I would ask them what do they believe about Jesus Christ's return. Then I would show them the words of Jesus in John 14. John 14 “Let not your heart...