Recent content by gumby123

  1. gumby123


    And when we were good, you just closed your eyes. So when we are bad, we'll scar your minds. :bow:
  2. gumby123

    Smart elik

    I don't care how it's spelled, I see one person who is a smart elik. So I don't get in trouble I won't mention his name... oops I said "his". ;) now maybe i'll get banned again? pfft. i wish you all could see what the real hell is like. then maybe people wouldn't give me such a hard time...
  3. gumby123 and how I got banned

    I was banned for a while but they let me back. I think they let me back once I brought some things to their attention... things that they know were true but tried to hide - that's my only guess. So I won't get banned again I won't mention my source, but I know that site supporters have the upper...
  4. gumby123

    's Blog

  5. gumby123

    Please pray for my brother....

    Hey all, I hate to bother you all but I need big time prayers for my brother. He is almost refusing to go to the doctor and he's noticed that he bleeds a lot more when cut or injured, and he bruises more easily. Is this a sign of diabetes? Cancer? Something else? Please let me know what...
  6. gumby123

    Marilyn Manson / Nirvana ??

    Wow I didn't expect so many replies but wow! I am glad I'm not alone. Whether you love 'em or hate 'em their music is still out there and someone is listening to it. I sorta agree that they are overrated and mostly image... I too like Manson's lyrics. And Nirvana just has catchy tunes...
  7. gumby123

    Silent Hill Origins (PS2)

    I recently bought this video game. It's a great game but it's hard to get past the armless monster who spits acid at you. They also have Silent Hill: Homecoming for PS3 and Xbox360 Check 'em out! Gumby
  8. gumby123

    What are you listening to now? V. 1 Billion (20)

    That is a great song! I'm listening to Man That You Fear by Marilyn Manson.
  9. gumby123

    Marilyn Manson / Nirvana ??

    Does anyone here listen to Marilyn Manson or Nirvana? Those are my two favorite bands. Although the lyrics are sometimes not so good for people to hear, their music is awesome. I hope I'm not offending anyone by posting this. It shouldn't offend people. Manson is a human just like everyone...
  10. gumby123


    just testing to see if my photo of raggedy ann shows up... bye world!
  11. gumby123

    In Search Of Dedicated Penpal, do you exist?

    Hello All, I'm looking for a penpal. Gender, color, age etc does not matter. I have a lot of things I'd like to talk about in email or snail mail. So just let me know if you want to be my penpal and what method you prefer. Thanks guys and girls, Gumby
  12. gumby123

    Older christian woman looking for pen pals

    I'm sorry I'm not a woman but IF (and only IF) you want to penpal with me, I'd be happy to. I'm 24/m/ky. Take care, Gumby
  13. gumby123

    Penpal needed

    I would be your penpal... even though I'm 24, everyone tells me i'm just a big 'kid'. I like to hear from a younger generation of kids. What they have to say is interesting. Check u later, Gumby
  14. gumby123

    Please congratulate me :-)

    Hey guys, Guess what? I wrote a poem and turned it into poetry dot com and I WON editor's choice award. Once I make sure it's copyrighted, I'll post it here. It's about Satan and his point of view on his torment and asking when Jesus will return. It was inspired by the movie The Omen 3...
  15. gumby123

    Please pray for me....

    Dear All, The past few months I've been having some 'staring' spells, where I cannot get my attention off details of things. Due to my past (I had a pretty severe seizure), my doctor is worried that I may be having absence seizures now. When he told me about it, I went home and looked it up...