Recent content by GrammyJ

  1. GrammyJ

    Why Believers are not under the Old Covenant Law of Moses

    1. A born-again believer in Christ is now led by the Holy Spirit, not a list of laws or rules. Is God's Holy Spirit incapable of leading us aright and guiding/instructing us, or does He (who is God, by the way) need the law as His "script?" Answer: The law has become unnecessary to the...
  2. GrammyJ

    Does your church have a soulwinning ministry? Please, I need to know this

    Love speaks more loudly than any sermon or fancy organized witnessing program at the church!
  3. GrammyJ

    Does your church have a soulwinning ministry? Please, I need to know this

    Go to the bakery outlet store, buy several loaves of bread and a couple packages of bologna and some mayo and make several dozen sandwiches (or PB&J, if you prefer). Then go to your town, and look under the bridges and on the streets for the homeless. Give them a sandwich and a bottle of...
  4. GrammyJ

    Are you afraid of going to Hell?

    How sad that you have no assurance of your salvation! I had to leave Adventism to find that blessed assurance! You need to know that you cannot behave your way into being saved. If you are born into Christ and trusting ONLY in Him for salvation, your eternal destiny is sealed. No more...
  5. GrammyJ

    Are Children Natural-Born Sinners?

    I can only speak for myself. My three children (and all 13 of my grandchildren) were born sinful, and they began sinning at a very early age. My newborn daughter had an obvious temper tantrum at the ripe old age six weeks because she didn't get what she wanted when she wanted it! She was...
  6. GrammyJ

    Perfection or no?

    If we could obey perfectly, Jesus need not have come and died. We don't deserve it, but we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, not by the level of our obedience to a set of rules.
  7. GrammyJ

    Do you love God enough?

    Amen, well said! And here's the thing, we must be born again, and once that happens and we are made a NEW creation with a NEW heart, our wants and desires are completely changed - all BRAND NEW! And we are then led by the Holy Spirit, rather than by our former guardian, the law. Folks, if...
  8. GrammyJ

    Is Observing the 7th day Sabbath a Requirement for Salvation?

    I can only speak for myself, but I am grafted directly into Christ (He is the Vine, we are the branches), NOT into a rebellious nation of people who refused to accept the Son of God as the promised Messiah. No, thank you!
  9. GrammyJ

    Caregivers for a Loved One with Alzheimer's

    I've been married to my hubby for 54 years (this coming June). His mom died of Alzheimer's in her late 70's, and my husband began experiencing symptoms about 6 years ago. Things progressed pretty slowly until this past August when everything began to fall apart. The stress of dealing with...
  10. GrammyJ

    Is Observing the 7th day Sabbath a Requirement for Salvation?

    Jesus met the requirements of the law, because we humans are incapable of it! That's why He had to come to rescue and redeem us! As a born-again believer, I KNOW that I cannot be perfect, but I am compelled to give Him my very best. I have the covering of His perfect imputed righteousness in...
  11. GrammyJ

    Is Observing the 7th day Sabbath a Requirement for Salvation?

    Well... THAT was a whole lot of tapdancing to avoid the point. It was like saying I cannot obey traffic laws because I don't own a car. Duh!! If you have kept the laws that are applicable to you, you have kept the "whole" law. But again, the Torah was never meant for anyone but Israel. And...
  12. GrammyJ

    The Gospel- this one's for you- bloodygrace.

    Oh well! I've been ousted from groups more than once for speaking the truth.
  13. GrammyJ

    Is Observing the 7th day Sabbath a Requirement for Salvation?

    I knew it was just a matter of time till the "jots and tittles" verse would come out. The interesting thing is, the law is THE LAW - ALL of it, not just the ten commandments that you folks have cherrypicked out of the 613 commandments in The Law. You tossed out almost 90% of the "jots and...
  14. GrammyJ

    Is Observing the 7th day Sabbath a Requirement for Salvation?

    No, Jesus absolutely DID NOT come to start a "new religion!" He came to live a perfect life, and bear my sins to the cross, shedding His blood in FULL payment of my sin debt. The chains are gone, I've been set free (in Him) - Hallelujah!! I can say with full assurance that I have been...
  15. GrammyJ

    Is Observing the 7th day Sabbath a Requirement for Salvation?

    Amen, amen, and A-MEN!!! Well said, my friend!