Recent content by godisagardener

  1. G

    Senior Eagles (65+)

    We're all going to get old(er). o_O I think it's much easier to accept that if we keep doing what we've been doing that's gotten us this far! I fully understand about being a caregiver. My mother is 94. She's still on her own, lives in her own house, does daily activities, but I physically...
  2. G

    Senior Eagles (65+)

    I've always heard that age is a state of mind. ;) And I guess that's true. We all approach it in our own way, both mentally and physically. I'm a few years from 70 yet, but I remember being excited about turning 65. It's one of the milestones I suppose. But I didn't feel any different! I don't...
  3. G

    What kinds of things do you do on the computer?

    I do admit to playing scrabble (not online, but on the tablet) ;) . I spend time studying and researching my Sunday School lesson, as I teach. I also read (there are some good sites to find free online or downloadable books), look at gardening websites, study birds on some ornithology sites, and...
  4. G

    My sister…

    :praying: :praying: :praying: :praying: :praying:
  5. G

    Books You or I May Want to Read

    Ordered Discovering Daniel: Finding Our Hope in God's Prophetic Plan Amid Global Chaos, by Amir Tsarfati. It arrived today and I plan to enjoy it. He's a very thorough and readable author.
  6. G

    What's the weather like where you are? (10)

    8:45 PM Currently 76. Very nice with a light breeze. Had a high of 84. Supposed to be mid 90s by Sunday.
  7. G

    What's On Your Mind?

    Deodorant commercials... We normally mute commercials. But even with that, they're ridiculous. Every other commercial seems to be about deodorant. The "whole body" ones are the worse. Does everyone suddenly smell in all the wrong places? :rolleyes:
  8. G

    What's the weather like where you are? (10)

    The temperatures have been so up and down that the plants just sat there until this week. They like steady warm/hot weather. This week they doubled in size. They should grow rapidly now. That's a shame. I love getting outside and playing with the plants.
  9. G

    What's the weather like where you are? (10)

    Not particularly. We're normally high and dry. There are creeks, streams, as well as a river that goes through town, but work on that over the years has limited possible flooding that used to take place. That being said, we're in a flood watch through Sunday afternoon. That mostly takes into...
  10. G

    What's the weather like where you are? (10)

    Currently 76. Dewpoint 69. Humidity 79%. Muggy. Had storms and lots of rain over the weekend. Had storms and lots of rain last night. Expecting storms and lots of rain tonight. Forecast of storms and rain through next week. :rolleyes:
  11. G

    What's On Your Mind?

    Have you spoken to them about church before? Invited them? What do you mean by having an excuse to go and confront them? :praying:
  12. G

    What's On Your Mind?

    The same thing happened in our front yard last spring! A pair of mallards -- we have some that fly over morning and evening and wander through yards -- were messing around in my iris bed under a tree. After a couple days they disappeared but they left three eggs behind. They didn't make a nest...
  13. G

    There's nothing else to call it, except weaponized incompetence

    I guess I'm at the other end of the spectrum on this. My husband and I do the laundry together during laundry day. Sometimes he folds, hangs, puts away; sometimes I do; sometimes we do it together. Sometimes he hangs my folding things, sometimes he folds my hanging things and puts them...
  14. G

    Q:How can I use the Bible to focus my mind?

    Q: How can I use the Bible to focus my mind? Read it.
  15. G

    Why do people do this? It makes me crazy!

    As timothyu said, it's self-absorption. A related thing that drives ME crazy is when I try to carry on a conversation with someone who consistently turns the conversation back to herself. (Yes, it's mostly women who do this, which is hard to admit since I'm a woman.) I listen to them talk about...