Recent content by GibbaWithAttitude

  1. GibbaWithAttitude

    Is my hobby and sidejob sinful?

    I did not expect this question to blow up like this, hehe...
  2. GibbaWithAttitude

    Is my hobby and sidejob sinful?

    Even though I might be an atheist, I’m still interested in the religion and how it can be interpreted and taught out.
  3. GibbaWithAttitude

    Is my hobby and sidejob sinful?

    I’m a digital artist and pretty decent at drawing. I’ve taken commisions from to draw whatever they request. A lot of those drawings have been lewd in nature and, at times, even pornographic. Is this bad?
  4. GibbaWithAttitude

    Help with Worldbuilding?

    Hey, I like to write for fun and I’m wondering if there are any ways I should approach worldbuilding with. A lot of fantasy worlds make up their own mythologies and gods and such. How do I worldbuild in relation to Christianity?
  5. GibbaWithAttitude

    What game are you currently playing?

    The game I’m currently playing is Overwatch and I’m trying to work myself up the rank. I’m a pretty darn good support main!
  6. GibbaWithAttitude

    Favorite game of all time

    Bloodborne for PS4. Amazing gameplay and fascinating lore that you really have to read between the lines to understand. Like the Bible.
  7. GibbaWithAttitude

    JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure!

    Sorry if this has been posted before (am new here). But have any of you seen JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure? It’s my favorite anime of all time XD. It’s divided up into several parts, with each part focusing on a member of the Joestar family. There’s a character by the name of Dio (means God) and...
  8. GibbaWithAttitude

    John Carpenter's The Thing

    I looooooove The Thing. Best horror film ever.